...is "I HAVE NO IDEA!"
This could be the biggest stress of the holiday season - Christmas prezzies...what to give and what to "wish" for! I swear it was so much easier when you were a child...new Barbie, Cabbage Patch Kid, cool new puzzle or board game, pretty dress....yes it was a lot easier when I was a child.
And yet I find myself sitting here trying to figure out what to get the Little Miss - and coming up with not a whole lot...I just don't feel she "needs" anything right now nor do we have the space to store any more toys! Hmmm...time to have more playdates and see what toys of her little friends she fights over! I guess it's also time to put away some of those baby-toys that she really doesn't use or want anymore...into the bin for Number 2!
Okay now this blog is about Ally...so back to me :) heh heh What do I want for Christmas?? My dad has asked, my hubby has asked and it's just a matter of time before I receive my "Dear Alison....I need your wishlist. Love your sister" email! And I'm stuck...I thought about this on Saturday for a bit and then finally announced to hubby...."Babe, I know what I want for Christmas"...he immediately stops what he's doing and turns to me, all ears (I think he's finally realized that Christmas prezzie of 2003 really didn't say "Love ya" - granted I was training for some runs, but still!!!!) "What Hun?" my answer? "Time".
Seriously...I don't need clothes, books, toys, spa stuff...I need time to myself to enjoy all of those wonderful things that I received last year! Time to use the gift cards to go shopping, book myself into that spa afternoon that is burning a hole in my wallet, time to read those books...yes I need time. Unfortunately, I do not see my Dad, my Love, my sister or anyone else being able to give me that gift this year...
Perplexed, Hubby says to me "How about a Kindle?" Okay! Cool...a Kindle is a close second! What are you wishing for this Christmas??
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas?!?!
PLEASE!!!! I wonder what the odds are of a White Christmas in Santa Cruz, CA (where we are spending the holidays this year). I'm guessing my Mum and sister who are leaving the Great White North (Ottawa, Canada!!!) to visit us, probably wouldn't appreciate the white stuff! But I know Family Wortman would.
This will be our first year without snow for Christmas...okay truth be told that there have been some Christmases back home with barely any snow, but still, it's cold and cozy and snow is bound to arrive in a day or two! This year we spend the Holidays in Cali...we decided when we got married, we would rotate...Ottawa, Calgary (hubby's fam), Cali (and whoever wants to visit can!).
But it's tough getting ready for Christmas when it's 18celsius outside and the sun is shining and putting on a jacket means tossing a cardigan over your shoulders! So over the last week, I've found an all-Christmas, all-the-time radio station and it's now programmed in our car, in our house, etc! And then the Little Miss and I hit up the $1 section of Target to find some decorations and start putting a few things up around the house!
So I ask those that have spent many a green Christmas - how do you get into the spirit with no snow??
ps I know that I'm not supposed to get excited about Christmas until this Friday, after Thanksgiving, but what can I say...I celebrated Thanksgiving as a Canadian for 30 years and we celebrate it in October...anytime after mid-November in my mind, is the perfect time to get ready for my FAVE holiday!
"Santa Claus is coming to town..." - ooo I love this version!! Sorry side-tracked by the radio!
This will be our first year without snow for Christmas...okay truth be told that there have been some Christmases back home with barely any snow, but still, it's cold and cozy and snow is bound to arrive in a day or two! This year we spend the Holidays in Cali...we decided when we got married, we would rotate...Ottawa, Calgary (hubby's fam), Cali (and whoever wants to visit can!).
But it's tough getting ready for Christmas when it's 18celsius outside and the sun is shining and putting on a jacket means tossing a cardigan over your shoulders! So over the last week, I've found an all-Christmas, all-the-time radio station and it's now programmed in our car, in our house, etc! And then the Little Miss and I hit up the $1 section of Target to find some decorations and start putting a few things up around the house!
So I ask those that have spent many a green Christmas - how do you get into the spirit with no snow??
ps I know that I'm not supposed to get excited about Christmas until this Friday, after Thanksgiving, but what can I say...I celebrated Thanksgiving as a Canadian for 30 years and we celebrate it in October...anytime after mid-November in my mind, is the perfect time to get ready for my FAVE holiday!
"Santa Claus is coming to town..." - ooo I love this version!! Sorry side-tracked by the radio!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
"You Showered!"
For the last couple of months, I'll admit it, I kind of let myself go!! Fitness-wise of course not...but just in my appearances! I've been teaching 5-6 Baby Boot Camp classes per week, attending playdates, etc...really the only days I actually did something with my hair and face was on Saturday - and only if I knew we had something fun happening that weekend!! Sure I'd take showers - p-u, can I remind you I teach Boot Camp classes?!?! But I would basically get out and tie my hair back in a bun and toss on a ball cap...when I'd go to playdates, most cases, I'd still be in the attire I just finished working out in!
But the buck stops here!!!! No more of that...why the sudden change of heart?? A friend of mine has said to me in the last week about three times, you look so pretty - did you shower?!?!!? NO, I just had some free time and a lot of birthday parties, Halloween parties, so I took the time to do something with myself!
Now going forward, I will not be the girl with the blown out hair, the layers of make-up...er, if you know me, you know that is SO NOT ME!!! But I will make a little more effort to look a bit more presentable....workout attire is for working out...tied back hair soaking wet is for bed! Etc...if I have to run errands or head to a playdate right after teaching class, why not bring a different top to change into??
So that's that, I'm off to find a few basic pieces - once I make my way through my closet and see exactly what I own!!
And yes I look pretty today...I showered last night :)
But the buck stops here!!!! No more of that...why the sudden change of heart?? A friend of mine has said to me in the last week about three times, you look so pretty - did you shower?!?!!? NO, I just had some free time and a lot of birthday parties, Halloween parties, so I took the time to do something with myself!
Now going forward, I will not be the girl with the blown out hair, the layers of make-up...er, if you know me, you know that is SO NOT ME!!! But I will make a little more effort to look a bit more presentable....workout attire is for working out...tied back hair soaking wet is for bed! Etc...if I have to run errands or head to a playdate right after teaching class, why not bring a different top to change into??
So that's that, I'm off to find a few basic pieces - once I make my way through my closet and see exactly what I own!!
And yes I look pretty today...I showered last night :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Early - so early
I love being awake in the mornings...I guess I would be a morning person! Until I started working and have a two year old! Now I need as much sleep as I can get....and oh the frustration of the Time Change! I'm fortunate enough that it hasn't affected the Little Miss really - she's a little more cranky, but still sleeping in until almost 8am and going to bed around 8pm...I however, am DYING!!!!
Last night? In bed by 8:30pm!!! This morning, up at 5:15am?!!!??! This is not good! Especially since I have today off and will need to entertain and be a "Mummy" all day! When will the body adjust??
I have two nights out this week - Mums Night Out and a work meeting that will force me to stay awake until at least 10pm...hoping that will help force some sleep in the morning...hopefully?!?!!?
Last night? In bed by 8:30pm!!! This morning, up at 5:15am?!!!??! This is not good! Especially since I have today off and will need to entertain and be a "Mummy" all day! When will the body adjust??
I have two nights out this week - Mums Night Out and a work meeting that will force me to stay awake until at least 10pm...hoping that will help force some sleep in the morning...hopefully?!?!!?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Got in trouble!
Okay so I know it's been 20+ days since I blogged...I'm not sure what happened, just kind of fell off the blogging train and have had a really hard time getting back on it - but I got called on it yesterday - I was told that twitter updates don't count as a blog - oops!
Alrighty here we go...my life in the last few weeks...
* Baby Boot Camp Conference was amazing*
-in so many ways! It was fantastic to learn so much about where I can take my business and the steps to do so...so wish I had been to a conference sooner (although it is an Annual, so I didn't have the opportunity) - I would have run my last year of biz very differently. But I'm very excited to see what 2010 holds for Baby Boot Camp Santa Clara/Sunnyvale!
-much to my surprise it was very nice to be away from the fam for a few days...I definitely missed them and found myself only able to call before bed...it brought tears to my eyes and really made me sad to hear the Little Miss on the other end of the phone, so I didn't call every couple of hours as I had thought I would be - it was too tough
-it was great being "Ally" for 4 full days...not Mummy, not Wifey...just me! I met some fantastic people, had great conversations and really just enjoyed my time!
* Halloween *
- okay this one isn't really about me! The Little Miss is a "Punkin" for Halloween and couldn't be happier! She seems them everywhere and relates herself to them. She got the Pottery Barn Pumpkin Costume and the little Beret couldn't be any cuter on my little girl...her little curls peeking out! In fact she loves it so much, she wears it A LOT...on it's own...no costume! I have a feeling we may be seeing this costume being worn a lot....yes even after October 31!
- we introduced pumpkin carving to our Guate friends and had a blast doing so! I think for adults, it is seriously the best part...and the Little Miss and her little friend decorated their gourds with stickers and got to stay up way past bedtime - a win-win situation for all.
- annual trip to Useugi Farms pumpkin patch was amazing as always and ensured a good long nap for everyone involved! The big hits? Definitely the Carousel and the Train rides!!
* Visitors *
- Hubby was ecstatic to welcome not only one good guy friend to visit from Canada, but two!! Both their first trip to California, so we were busy playing tour guide and showing them our new stomping ground. It's so much fun to have friends in town...although I do love the quiet of our house now! It's funny before moving to Cali, we never liked to be on our own, huge social butterflies, and after spending our first year in Cali knowing pretty much no one, we have now become homebodies!
Really that's about all that has happened, see Dane, I promised you haven't missed that much! I hope this blog finds everyone well and I promise to be around a bit more!
Alrighty here we go...my life in the last few weeks...
* Baby Boot Camp Conference was amazing*
-in so many ways! It was fantastic to learn so much about where I can take my business and the steps to do so...so wish I had been to a conference sooner (although it is an Annual, so I didn't have the opportunity) - I would have run my last year of biz very differently. But I'm very excited to see what 2010 holds for Baby Boot Camp Santa Clara/Sunnyvale!
-much to my surprise it was very nice to be away from the fam for a few days...I definitely missed them and found myself only able to call before bed...it brought tears to my eyes and really made me sad to hear the Little Miss on the other end of the phone, so I didn't call every couple of hours as I had thought I would be - it was too tough
-it was great being "Ally" for 4 full days...not Mummy, not Wifey...just me! I met some fantastic people, had great conversations and really just enjoyed my time!
* Halloween *
- okay this one isn't really about me! The Little Miss is a "Punkin" for Halloween and couldn't be happier! She seems them everywhere and relates herself to them. She got the Pottery Barn Pumpkin Costume and the little Beret couldn't be any cuter on my little girl...her little curls peeking out! In fact she loves it so much, she wears it A LOT...on it's own...no costume! I have a feeling we may be seeing this costume being worn a lot....yes even after October 31!
- we introduced pumpkin carving to our Guate friends and had a blast doing so! I think for adults, it is seriously the best part...and the Little Miss and her little friend decorated their gourds with stickers and got to stay up way past bedtime - a win-win situation for all.
- annual trip to Useugi Farms pumpkin patch was amazing as always and ensured a good long nap for everyone involved! The big hits? Definitely the Carousel and the Train rides!!
* Visitors *
- Hubby was ecstatic to welcome not only one good guy friend to visit from Canada, but two!! Both their first trip to California, so we were busy playing tour guide and showing them our new stomping ground. It's so much fun to have friends in town...although I do love the quiet of our house now! It's funny before moving to Cali, we never liked to be on our own, huge social butterflies, and after spending our first year in Cali knowing pretty much no one, we have now become homebodies!
Really that's about all that has happened, see Dane, I promised you haven't missed that much! I hope this blog finds everyone well and I promise to be around a bit more!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another First...
...in 48 hours I will be on a plane on my way to the other side of the country...without the Little Miss...panic is setting in!
I'm off to a conference for work (Baby Boot Camp) in Sarasota FL for three days...but due to the location being on the other side of the country and the time change, it will take a whole day to get there, so I will be away from Family W for 4 days.
I'm very excited but also very anxious...the "What Ifs" that creep through my mind are terrible. I think I need to turn that feature off!! I love that I will be getting some Mum-time...and that Little Miss and Hubby are going to get lots of one-on-one time...but I will still miss my munchkin very much.
Confession time - I've left the Little Miss for no more than 6 hours!!!!!! Yes she just turned two!
What I will miss most:
- cuddles (she asks for them now)
- security of knowing she's a few feet away from me (Oh gosh, I pity her boyfriends already!)
- laughing and dancing in the car
- I hope she doesn't wonder where I am and think I've left...
What I will enjoy most:
- 6.5 hour plane ride with no lap child
- taking care of me and only me (and my biz!)
- adult conversation...and high heels!
I'm off to a conference for work (Baby Boot Camp) in Sarasota FL for three days...but due to the location being on the other side of the country and the time change, it will take a whole day to get there, so I will be away from Family W for 4 days.
I'm very excited but also very anxious...the "What Ifs" that creep through my mind are terrible. I think I need to turn that feature off!! I love that I will be getting some Mum-time...and that Little Miss and Hubby are going to get lots of one-on-one time...but I will still miss my munchkin very much.
Confession time - I've left the Little Miss for no more than 6 hours!!!!!! Yes she just turned two!
What I will miss most:
- cuddles (she asks for them now)
- security of knowing she's a few feet away from me (Oh gosh, I pity her boyfriends already!)
- laughing and dancing in the car
- I hope she doesn't wonder where I am and think I've left...
What I will enjoy most:
- 6.5 hour plane ride with no lap child
- taking care of me and only me (and my biz!)
- adult conversation...and high heels!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Okay seriously...got babes?? Use Diapers.com! I'm so excited - too bad we are getting ready to start potty-training the Little Miss!
I noticed last night that we were getting low on our disposable diapers (we use both those and gDiapers) after thinking we had another pack - tucked away! ooops!!! It was 8:15pm and I was in no mood to go out to the store...but with three disposables left (including what is in the diaper bag!), it looked like I may need to get out to Costco, immediately after teaching class this morning...
...instead, I went on diapers.com - ordered my 7th Generation diapers for a comparable price and two sets of Gerber children's cutlery I've been looking at....presto, it will be here tomorrow and oh I spent over $49?? Free shipping! Now that is service...and I don't need to run out to the store on an already busy day.
Here's hoping we can get through the next 30 hours or so on 3 disposables and a ton of gDiapers! I'm feeling good about this one...
...like I said, it's the little things!
I noticed last night that we were getting low on our disposable diapers (we use both those and gDiapers) after thinking we had another pack - tucked away! ooops!!! It was 8:15pm and I was in no mood to go out to the store...but with three disposables left (including what is in the diaper bag!), it looked like I may need to get out to Costco, immediately after teaching class this morning...
...instead, I went on diapers.com - ordered my 7th Generation diapers for a comparable price and two sets of Gerber children's cutlery I've been looking at....presto, it will be here tomorrow and oh I spent over $49?? Free shipping! Now that is service...and I don't need to run out to the store on an already busy day.
Here's hoping we can get through the next 30 hours or so on 3 disposables and a ton of gDiapers! I'm feeling good about this one...
...like I said, it's the little things!
Eating with the Seasons
Inspired by my good friend AN (oh how we miss you lovely), Family W has just signed up for Eating with the Seasons - and I cannot be more excited! It's the little things...especially when you are in a funk...little things make you happy?? You go with it!
Anyhow, with Eating with the Seasons, each week, the Little Miss and I will hop in our car after naptime and drive to our pre-decided pick-up, to pick up our Small Bag of fresh, organic fruits and veggies - locally grown of course! And each Thursday, bing, an email will pop into my email box with the "order form"...of course selection varies as to what is available and what the farmers have in season right now but I'm very excited to try new fruits and veggies.
I often find myself walking through my grocer, picking out the same ol' veg and fruits every week - a red pepper, spinach, a few tomatoes (or cherry ones if the Little Miss is with me), bananas, grapes...how boring! This Fall, we will be trying new squashes (who knew there were so many), cabbage and chard...zucchinis and yes more apples!
This really is the next best thing to growing my own veggie patch, in my mind!
To help me figure out what to do with all of these lovely new vegs (and some fruits), we've also signed up for Eating Well...hey, a girl can always use another magazine subscription, right DK??
Oh and this exercise has also taught me some patience...we were a week late signing up for the September start, so we are now having to wait until Oct 6 for our first pick-up...and let me tell you this CaliAlly is not good at waiting...for holidays, moves, babies, and definitely not Fruit & Veggie CSA!
Anyhow, with Eating with the Seasons, each week, the Little Miss and I will hop in our car after naptime and drive to our pre-decided pick-up, to pick up our Small Bag of fresh, organic fruits and veggies - locally grown of course! And each Thursday, bing, an email will pop into my email box with the "order form"...of course selection varies as to what is available and what the farmers have in season right now but I'm very excited to try new fruits and veggies.
I often find myself walking through my grocer, picking out the same ol' veg and fruits every week - a red pepper, spinach, a few tomatoes (or cherry ones if the Little Miss is with me), bananas, grapes...how boring! This Fall, we will be trying new squashes (who knew there were so many), cabbage and chard...zucchinis and yes more apples!
This really is the next best thing to growing my own veggie patch, in my mind!
To help me figure out what to do with all of these lovely new vegs (and some fruits), we've also signed up for Eating Well...hey, a girl can always use another magazine subscription, right DK??
Oh and this exercise has also taught me some patience...we were a week late signing up for the September start, so we are now having to wait until Oct 6 for our first pick-up...and let me tell you this CaliAlly is not good at waiting...for holidays, moves, babies, and definitely not Fruit & Veggie CSA!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Feeling Broken!
Okay so I don't have a lot to say right now...evident by the lack of posts!
Work is very busy - teaching a lot and my body is hurting!!!! But in a good way :) Heading out to Sarasota FL (the other side of the country!!!) in October for a conference and it will be the first time that I leave the Little Miss for more than 5 hours...I know terrible...but I've just had no "good reason" to leave her before this. So I will be gone for four lonely nights...and as much as I'm terrified and sad at the idea of being so far away from her, I'm also slightly excited! A 6 hour plane ride with no lapchild?!?! I can actually drink a coffee and get up and pee?!?! Watch a movie, read a book? Perhaps a couple of trashy magazines?! WOW!
Yesterday was the anniversary of my due date! September 15, 2007...and no sign of the little one. So I was induced and we "evicted" her on September 19, 2007 - still to this day, the best day of my life. My birth story is amazing, empowering and although I hated being pregnant, minutes after I delivered the Little Miss I couldn't wait to do it again! So that's right, the big 2 is coming up this Saturday! A party will be had at the park on Saturday that she will share with two other little friends and a whopping 60 guests (adults and children) will be in attendance - controlled chaos is the theme ;) At least that's what me and the other two Mums are hoping for!!!
And yet with all of this amazingness going on around me...I'm in a funk. A funk that I'm seriously having a lot of trouble pulling myself out of. I realize I'm in it, I pretty much know what I need to do (and a lot of that is just an attitude adjustment) and yet I still find myself, well funky! I think the reason I'm having trouble pulling myself out is that I don't know why I'm in a funk...life is good, so good! And I laugh a lot...I sleep enough...I'm as social as I can possibly be...Hubby and I are good - like really good...hmmm...see what I mean about the need for an attitude adjustment??
Or maybe a day at the spa?!?!
Work is very busy - teaching a lot and my body is hurting!!!! But in a good way :) Heading out to Sarasota FL (the other side of the country!!!) in October for a conference and it will be the first time that I leave the Little Miss for more than 5 hours...I know terrible...but I've just had no "good reason" to leave her before this. So I will be gone for four lonely nights...and as much as I'm terrified and sad at the idea of being so far away from her, I'm also slightly excited! A 6 hour plane ride with no lapchild?!?! I can actually drink a coffee and get up and pee?!?! Watch a movie, read a book? Perhaps a couple of trashy magazines?! WOW!
Yesterday was the anniversary of my due date! September 15, 2007...and no sign of the little one. So I was induced and we "evicted" her on September 19, 2007 - still to this day, the best day of my life. My birth story is amazing, empowering and although I hated being pregnant, minutes after I delivered the Little Miss I couldn't wait to do it again! So that's right, the big 2 is coming up this Saturday! A party will be had at the park on Saturday that she will share with two other little friends and a whopping 60 guests (adults and children) will be in attendance - controlled chaos is the theme ;) At least that's what me and the other two Mums are hoping for!!!
And yet with all of this amazingness going on around me...I'm in a funk. A funk that I'm seriously having a lot of trouble pulling myself out of. I realize I'm in it, I pretty much know what I need to do (and a lot of that is just an attitude adjustment) and yet I still find myself, well funky! I think the reason I'm having trouble pulling myself out is that I don't know why I'm in a funk...life is good, so good! And I laugh a lot...I sleep enough...I'm as social as I can possibly be...Hubby and I are good - like really good...hmmm...see what I mean about the need for an attitude adjustment??
Or maybe a day at the spa?!?!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Retail Therapy!
Ugh, this cold is killing me...head is all stuffed up, sore throat and I feel kind of miserable...until about 10minutes ago!
And then I made my first Gilt Groupe purchase and I could not be more excited! I'm the proud owner a new Kate Spade bag retailing at $295...oh but did pay that?! NEVER! I paid $118 - sweet :) And it will be in my hot hands in 3 days - I cannot wait!
When I was back in Ottawa, a few of my friends (you know who you are!!!!!! LOL) teased me for still running around town with my trusty-diaper bag despite having a two year old, who really doesn't need all of that space! I just love having lots of space to fit my "necessities" and the fact that it's canvas versus leather so I can bring it to the park, toss it in the stroller, over my shoulder, in the SUV, etc and not worry about damaging it...well dear friends, I will no longer be that girl! Instead I'll be sporting the Kate Spade Prince Street Tess - a beautiful Nylon bag with Patent Leather accents...perfect for the park...perfect for this Mummy!
What?! You've never heard of Gilt Groupe?? It's Invitation Only Shopping - designer items at ridiculous prices! Need an invite?? Leave a Comment and I'll be sure you get an invite ASAP! And to my Canada friends?? You always have a USA addy...just ship to me and I'll mail it off to you for super-cheap! YEY!
And then I made my first Gilt Groupe purchase and I could not be more excited! I'm the proud owner a new Kate Spade bag retailing at $295...oh but did pay that?! NEVER! I paid $118 - sweet :) And it will be in my hot hands in 3 days - I cannot wait!
When I was back in Ottawa, a few of my friends (you know who you are!!!!!! LOL) teased me for still running around town with my trusty-diaper bag despite having a two year old, who really doesn't need all of that space! I just love having lots of space to fit my "necessities" and the fact that it's canvas versus leather so I can bring it to the park, toss it in the stroller, over my shoulder, in the SUV, etc and not worry about damaging it...well dear friends, I will no longer be that girl! Instead I'll be sporting the Kate Spade Prince Street Tess - a beautiful Nylon bag with Patent Leather accents...perfect for the park...perfect for this Mummy!
What?! You've never heard of Gilt Groupe?? It's Invitation Only Shopping - designer items at ridiculous prices! Need an invite?? Leave a Comment and I'll be sure you get an invite ASAP! And to my Canada friends?? You always have a USA addy...just ship to me and I'll mail it off to you for super-cheap! YEY!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Okay life is back on track thx to Missus
Alrighty forget that negative blog a few minutes ago! I was just catching up on my blogs and oh my squeeeeeeee PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES ARE BACK AT STARBUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait...that means after that, there are Egg Nog Latte, the Peppermint Hot Chocolate...oh dear, it's almost Christmas...Christmas?!? That's my FAVE season!
And today is September 1 - which if you don't know me...is really my New Year's Day! Time to get out the new pens, de-clutter, get back to what's important!
er, right after I hit a Starbucks after teaching this morning!
Kudos to the Missus...you just made my week ;)
Wait...that means after that, there are Egg Nog Latte, the Peppermint Hot Chocolate...oh dear, it's almost Christmas...Christmas?!? That's my FAVE season!
And today is September 1 - which if you don't know me...is really my New Year's Day! Time to get out the new pens, de-clutter, get back to what's important!
er, right after I hit a Starbucks after teaching this morning!
Kudos to the Missus...you just made my week ;)
Back...and trying to get at it!
Wow, jetlag is hitting me hard this time! I think the little sleep I got on the weekend is killing me now as I'm over-tired and just can't get good sleep anymore! I seem to be very tired in the evenings but then lie awake in bed waiting, not-so-patiently for sleep to come!!! And then same in the morning, I'm up early but am exhausted so I can't fall back to sleep!
And to boot, I'm starting a cold! But then again, that's not so bad because it's time for me to start Emergen-C - something I swear by! I seriously love how my body is with this stuff! It's just mega-doses of Ester-C (versus acidic vitamin C you get in OJ, etc) but it gives me energy, makes me feel better within 24 hours....and it's all natural - LOVE IT! So I started that this morning and hoping by tomorrow I'll be back on track!
My holiday in Cali was amazing - lots of quality time with the quality Canadians in my life. I really couldn't have asked for a better holiday - lots of down time, resting, relaxing and lots of time with my Mum - I'm a very lucky girl. Of course, with an amazing holiday, comes the horrible hangover...which is where I'm at right now. Fortunately I also have wonderful friends in Cali who will not let me sit around and mope...because the pitypot really is no fun with an almost-2 year old!!!
It's good to be back to our life though- missed Hubby way too much and Diesel Dog too! And of course since we moved in days before the Little Miss and I got on a plane, I'm discovering this new house!
Lots to look forward to this month...if I could just stop feeling so blue...
And to boot, I'm starting a cold! But then again, that's not so bad because it's time for me to start Emergen-C - something I swear by! I seriously love how my body is with this stuff! It's just mega-doses of Ester-C (versus acidic vitamin C you get in OJ, etc) but it gives me energy, makes me feel better within 24 hours....and it's all natural - LOVE IT! So I started that this morning and hoping by tomorrow I'll be back on track!
My holiday in Cali was amazing - lots of quality time with the quality Canadians in my life. I really couldn't have asked for a better holiday - lots of down time, resting, relaxing and lots of time with my Mum - I'm a very lucky girl. Of course, with an amazing holiday, comes the horrible hangover...which is where I'm at right now. Fortunately I also have wonderful friends in Cali who will not let me sit around and mope...because the pitypot really is no fun with an almost-2 year old!!!
It's good to be back to our life though- missed Hubby way too much and Diesel Dog too! And of course since we moved in days before the Little Miss and I got on a plane, I'm discovering this new house!
Lots to look forward to this month...if I could just stop feeling so blue...
Monday, August 24, 2009
I'm loving her! (Book Review)

Anita Shreve that is! Seriously loving her. I bought A Wedding in December when I was getting married (in December of course!!) and couldn't get into it. When a friend suggested I try Body Surfing, I wasn't sure....I really disliked what I had read of A Wedding in December - I'm so glad AlliWilli is my friend and recommended Body Surfing because I LOVED it! Capital letters LOVED it! heh heh
But this review is about another one of her books - Testimony. I found this book a little slow to get into (warning the first chapter is graphic...very graphic - but it's just the first chapter, please don't let it make you put the book down) but wow...oh wow...oh wow...I loved this book and I think I loved it the most after reading the last chapter and this line from Rob: - crow, I already gave the book to my sister to read (yes that's how much I enjoyed it!) - I'll have to ask her to email it to me...it's a quote I believe I will keep in mind over and over again.
Sorry for the suspense - but basically the book is how an action on one person's behalf can cause a chain of events causing huge, possibly devastating circumstances for uncountable people...this is not a happy-book...in fact I would say it's tragic, emotional, fragile - these are words that come to mind.
The characters were set up so well...each chapter is written from the point of view of someone involved and I can tell you what they each look like, what they wear and how they speak...and yet the book did not drag with tons and tons of details (pet peeve!!!).
I read once that a bloggy friend felt that she went into almost a depression when she finished a book. I totally felt this after reading this book. I put it down and said to my Mum...these characters have been a part of my life for the last 6 days or so...how can I just pick up another book and forget about them?
Yes this book was great - Anita Shreve...I can't wait to read another book of yours! I'm thinking Pilot's Wife!
4.5/5 for Testimony by Anita Shreve
But this review is about another one of her books - Testimony. I found this book a little slow to get into (warning the first chapter is graphic...very graphic - but it's just the first chapter, please don't let it make you put the book down) but wow...oh wow...oh wow...I loved this book and I think I loved it the most after reading the last chapter and this line from Rob: - crow, I already gave the book to my sister to read (yes that's how much I enjoyed it!) - I'll have to ask her to email it to me...it's a quote I believe I will keep in mind over and over again.
Sorry for the suspense - but basically the book is how an action on one person's behalf can cause a chain of events causing huge, possibly devastating circumstances for uncountable people...this is not a happy-book...in fact I would say it's tragic, emotional, fragile - these are words that come to mind.
The characters were set up so well...each chapter is written from the point of view of someone involved and I can tell you what they each look like, what they wear and how they speak...and yet the book did not drag with tons and tons of details (pet peeve!!!).
I read once that a bloggy friend felt that she went into almost a depression when she finished a book. I totally felt this after reading this book. I put it down and said to my Mum...these characters have been a part of my life for the last 6 days or so...how can I just pick up another book and forget about them?
Yes this book was great - Anita Shreve...I can't wait to read another book of yours! I'm thinking Pilot's Wife!
4.5/5 for Testimony by Anita Shreve
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Moment - Inside a WAHM's head...
A moment: I am a typical Work-at-Home Mum...only doing work or personal things while the little one is sleeping...all chores, etc (with the exception of making food) is done while Little Miss is napping and while she's awake I'm hers all day, every day (with the exception of when I'm teaching class)....I think that it's done out of guilt because I force her to sit in a stroller while I'm teaching or because during her naptime I'm doing work-stuff versus planning fun activities or events for her. However, I found myself wondering this morning - Does Little Miss know how to independently play?? And is it so bad if she sees me doing a few of my own things while she's awake?! I'm not sure what the answer to that is...yet. But what I did try this morning, after a nice long breakfast together, I grabbed a magazine and went and sat on the floor in the den and sure enough Little Miss went and grabbed a book and came and sat with me....well, I thought to msyelf, she's not asking me to read it which I guess is her being independent but she's still mimicking me...Hmm...I really am her everything!
And then it all changed! I suddenly found myself alone in the den reading an old copy of Self Magazine and the Little Miss was nowhere in sight. I raced into the kitchen and found her sitting on the floor, re-arranging the shelf that my Mum has reserved for her (her snacks, bibs, plastic bowls and plates, spoons, sippy cups, etc)...completely happy - completely independent!
Now don't get me wrong - I'm still an obsessed Work-at-Home-Mummy...but maybe one who will enjoy the occasional magazine article or chore done while (gasp!!!) the Little One is awake!!!!
And then it all changed! I suddenly found myself alone in the den reading an old copy of Self Magazine and the Little Miss was nowhere in sight. I raced into the kitchen and found her sitting on the floor, re-arranging the shelf that my Mum has reserved for her (her snacks, bibs, plastic bowls and plates, spoons, sippy cups, etc)...completely happy - completely independent!
Now don't get me wrong - I'm still an obsessed Work-at-Home-Mummy...but maybe one who will enjoy the occasional magazine article or chore done while (gasp!!!) the Little One is awake!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Things that Make You Go Hmm... (Book Review)

I just finished "Love the One You're With" last night...at midnight! Yes it was one of those race to the finish, can't put down endings!
This book is about a woman who is happily married...or so she thinks until she runs into a former love from years before. It is the story of her emotional journey as she ponders something we all think about...LOVE. I enjoyed this book as much as I disliked it. However, the reason I think I disliked it was that it made me think...it took me back to past boyfriends, reliving a bit of the feelings incured in these relationships.
As far as chick lit go, I would say that this was one of the "heaviest" that I have read. I kept thinking it will get lighter, she'll get pregnant, something frivolous will happen...but no. It stayed on topic for the entire book.
I found myself not wanting to read more for fear of the woman's next actions...but then also found myself wondering if 5pm is too early to put Little Miss down for her nap so I could get back into my book.
The fact that this chick lit evoked so much thought and emotion (whether I liked it or not), in my opinioin, means it is a good book...I will give it a 4/5...and really it only is docked a point by the excessive details (get to the point already!!!!) - something I hate about books! As well as the fact that I'm not running out to my girlfriends saying "you HAVE to read this book" - but maybe it's because I'm protecting them from a few nights of very strange feelings and dreams!
4/5 for Love the One You are With by Emily Giffin
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thank Goodness for Mums!
I'm still struggling with jetlag and coming down off of a crazy month of July! I find myself going to bed at 10:30 EST but still waking up at 6;30 PST (which is actually 9:30 EST)...I hate not having the mornings to myself...the Little Miss seems to be adjusting better a bit quicker than me and is up at 9:35! That gives me 5min to get myself sorted, wake up and get ready for our day! EEK!
Oh and did I mention there is no caffeine in this house?! KILL ME NOW! I'm down to one or two cups of caff coffee a day but I NEED them in the morning!
Anyhow, fast forward to Noon, I'm exhausted, de-caff, and have a clingy, needy almost-two-year old clung to my leg and I have no Daddy to pass her to, no playdate to attend, or little friends for her to play with...it's almost a recipe for disaster...
...until my Mum walks in, takes one look at me - still in pjs, exhausted and losing patience and says "Why don't I take her for a walk"...I say "It's okay, I'll go for a stroll with her, you have tons to do" and she replies with "I have nothing that needs to get done right now...you need to read your magazine and enjoy a cup of tea."
Thank goodness for Mums - Little Miss, I promise to do the same thing for you in 30 years.
Oh and did I mention there is no caffeine in this house?! KILL ME NOW! I'm down to one or two cups of caff coffee a day but I NEED them in the morning!
Anyhow, fast forward to Noon, I'm exhausted, de-caff, and have a clingy, needy almost-two-year old clung to my leg and I have no Daddy to pass her to, no playdate to attend, or little friends for her to play with...it's almost a recipe for disaster...
...until my Mum walks in, takes one look at me - still in pjs, exhausted and losing patience and says "Why don't I take her for a walk"...I say "It's okay, I'll go for a stroll with her, you have tons to do" and she replies with "I have nothing that needs to get done right now...you need to read your magazine and enjoy a cup of tea."
Thank goodness for Mums - Little Miss, I promise to do the same thing for you in 30 years.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Hanging in Ottawa, eh?!
Well here we are...hanging out in the Nation's Capital...that is the Little Miss and I! Unfortunately hubby's visa extension never came in and so we find ourselves Daddy-less for 3 1/2 weeks! Yes almost a month. It will be killer on both of us, but oh can I tell you how excited I am to escape the "real world" for a while??
We flew in on Thursday and fortunately for both Little Miss and I, the flights were fairly uneventful. I tried everyone's suggestions - coloring books, DVD player and "shows" (as the Little Miss calls them), snacks, and really nothing pleased her but at least she wasn't crying or screaming. Instead I basically had the entire carry-on unpacked in our tiny space (Little Miss was a lap child)...I have no idea what we left behind - obviously nothing important (other than a little white sock, I think!)
Night 1, Little Miss went down around 1:30am after a midnight snack (literally) and she slept until I woke her at 10:30 am and I've been able to get her on routine! She's a bit cranky and clingy but otherwise all is good!
WAIT! Isn't this blog about Ally?!?! Oh right! Okay so I'm enjoying hanging out with my Mum, sister and aunt from UK (flew out for a few days just to meet Sadie - so fun), sleeping in as much as I can, reading books (will post lots of reviews I'm sure!) and enjoying many cups of decaf coffee and tea! YUM! Hung out with Poppa this morning and enjoyed riding around in a "borrowed" Jetta - what a great car...hmm, hubby, is it time for a new car, yet?
After breakfast out and a trip to Toys R Us, the Little Miss was DONE!
Okay this may be the most boring blog...but for my friends back in San Jose, it will serve as "checking in" and not writing a million emails ;)
Back to my book...stay tuned for a review...this one is flying :)
We flew in on Thursday and fortunately for both Little Miss and I, the flights were fairly uneventful. I tried everyone's suggestions - coloring books, DVD player and "shows" (as the Little Miss calls them), snacks, and really nothing pleased her but at least she wasn't crying or screaming. Instead I basically had the entire carry-on unpacked in our tiny space (Little Miss was a lap child)...I have no idea what we left behind - obviously nothing important (other than a little white sock, I think!)
Night 1, Little Miss went down around 1:30am after a midnight snack (literally) and she slept until I woke her at 10:30 am and I've been able to get her on routine! She's a bit cranky and clingy but otherwise all is good!
WAIT! Isn't this blog about Ally?!?! Oh right! Okay so I'm enjoying hanging out with my Mum, sister and aunt from UK (flew out for a few days just to meet Sadie - so fun), sleeping in as much as I can, reading books (will post lots of reviews I'm sure!) and enjoying many cups of decaf coffee and tea! YUM! Hung out with Poppa this morning and enjoyed riding around in a "borrowed" Jetta - what a great car...hmm, hubby, is it time for a new car, yet?
After breakfast out and a trip to Toys R Us, the Little Miss was DONE!
Okay this may be the most boring blog...but for my friends back in San Jose, it will serve as "checking in" and not writing a million emails ;)
Back to my book...stay tuned for a review...this one is flying :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Move from Hell!
Back online...but without a couch and tv :( They are both in the garage...why you ask?? Well the couch doesn't fit through the door and our tv is SO old-school it takes 4 bodybuilders to lift it...so the creation of the "Man Room" begins...or so hubby thinks! heh heh
Seriously, other than those two things and now living in chaos and being tired, the move did go well...it was quick and rather painless (says the one who didn't do much heavy lifting!!). I do however understand that when "they" say Moving is one of the biggest traumas a person goes through I believe it...Little Miss is all out of sorts, Diesel dog runs around whimpering because he cannot find a good place to chill out (dude, you and me both...where's our couch?!!?!) but it's building character...right?!?!
Oh and add to the mix, the Little Miss and I leave hubby next week for three weeks as we fly up to Canada...sorry hubs, guess you'll have lots to keep you busy though, right?? Oh and did I mention said flight is about 6 1/2 hours and I'm going to be doing it with an almost-2 year old on my lap?? Don't get me started!!!!!
Sorry for the negativity! But now that I've dumped it, I will get a cup of joe and start my day fresh...right after I trip over this damn drawer in the middle of the room...HUBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, other than those two things and now living in chaos and being tired, the move did go well...it was quick and rather painless (says the one who didn't do much heavy lifting!!). I do however understand that when "they" say Moving is one of the biggest traumas a person goes through I believe it...Little Miss is all out of sorts, Diesel dog runs around whimpering because he cannot find a good place to chill out (dude, you and me both...where's our couch?!!?!) but it's building character...right?!?!
Oh and add to the mix, the Little Miss and I leave hubby next week for three weeks as we fly up to Canada...sorry hubs, guess you'll have lots to keep you busy though, right?? Oh and did I mention said flight is about 6 1/2 hours and I'm going to be doing it with an almost-2 year old on my lap?? Don't get me started!!!!!
Sorry for the negativity! But now that I've dumped it, I will get a cup of joe and start my day fresh...right after I trip over this damn drawer in the middle of the room...HUBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Top 10 Things I'll Miss about 1126...
...I promise the nostalgia will stop...but I just want to put this stuff down in a place where I can find it (!!!) and that I can look back and read :)
10- Pool and Hot Tub 2 doors down...and around the corner...and down the street (okay there are like 8 pools here and about the same, if not more hot tubs!)
9- Starbucks on site
8- The big green space in the middle of our neighborhood...boring for kiddos, but a nice place to stroll around (I wonder how many of those loops I've done!)
7- Not more of our family and friends back home got to see where we call home - it's really gorgeous! Resort-living to the max!
6- Everything was new when we moved in...the carpet is still so plush, the walls still so bright, the gorgeous granite counters, well gorgeous!
5- Big Pantries (albeit no cupboard space!!)
4- The counter/bar we have in our apt...I love entertaining and having guests sit up at the counter/bar...and loved making my cup of coffee in the morning and sitting up at the bar doing work.
3- Hubby coming home at lunch because he works next door, sorry not right next door, but on the other side of the Orange Grove (yes the orange grove).
2- Big, bright patio that the Little Miss has just started to enjoy!
1- The Memories (moving to USA, planning our wedding, pregnancy, bringing Little Miss home, etc)
Give me a week or so and I'll probably have the Top 10 Things I LOVE about 815!
10- Pool and Hot Tub 2 doors down...and around the corner...and down the street (okay there are like 8 pools here and about the same, if not more hot tubs!)
9- Starbucks on site
8- The big green space in the middle of our neighborhood...boring for kiddos, but a nice place to stroll around (I wonder how many of those loops I've done!)
7- Not more of our family and friends back home got to see where we call home - it's really gorgeous! Resort-living to the max!
6- Everything was new when we moved in...the carpet is still so plush, the walls still so bright, the gorgeous granite counters, well gorgeous!
5- Big Pantries (albeit no cupboard space!!)
4- The counter/bar we have in our apt...I love entertaining and having guests sit up at the counter/bar...and loved making my cup of coffee in the morning and sitting up at the bar doing work.
3- Hubby coming home at lunch because he works next door, sorry not right next door, but on the other side of the Orange Grove (yes the orange grove).
2- Big, bright patio that the Little Miss has just started to enjoy!
1- The Memories (moving to USA, planning our wedding, pregnancy, bringing Little Miss home, etc)
Give me a week or so and I'll probably have the Top 10 Things I LOVE about 815!
3 years...
...Hubby and I both just realized our teeny tiny, San Jose apt is the longest place we've lived since we moved out of our parent's houses....and for me it would be the DDO family home, since I was only in Beaconsfield for two years or so...wow...we moved out of DDO when I was 17...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Packing Day...Birthday
First off...a little happy birthday shout-out to my fantastic hubby...sorry babe, you are no longer considered early-30s...you have just entered mid-30s :) . Happy Birthday my sweet, I love you very much.
Okay dokay, so we are moving in two days...and really, the apt isn't that packed up! I lay in bed last night thinking how I had this fantastic plan to purge and de-clutter the apt and only bring what we "need and want" to the townhome...well, it looks like it's all going to get moved and we'll purge and de-clutter at the townhome while unpacking!
We are only moving less than a 10minute drive away so my thoughts, are to pack up the SUV today and tomorrow and move drawers, bins of stuff (like kitchen) that can be unpacked immediately and then minimize the unpacking...dear birthday boy hubby's thoughts??? Pack everything into boxes - even what is in the drawers and line everything up against the wall and we'll move nice neat boxes to the townhome!!
Love it...as someone who strives to be organized and on-top-of-things, I love it...as a Mum of an almost two-year old, fighting some kind of horrible virus (me not Little Miss) that has my muscles, spine and joints in agony...yeah I'm thinking not so much...argh! So of course the argument of all arguments ensued last night as we both tried to figure out the best way to move...yes two days before moving!
Verdict? We went to bed! And well, let's be real...I'm the one that has to do all of the prep and packing, etc...the one that needs to occupy the Little Miss all day and well as the blog states...All-Things-Ally ;) You know I'll be doing my best to move over everything I possibly can over the next two days...organizing it neatly at the townhome - because I seriously think my way is best!!!
Oh the joys of moving...good thing Hubby and I do love each other so much...this could be the beginning of the end otherwise ;)
See you in Milpitas,
Okay dokay, so we are moving in two days...and really, the apt isn't that packed up! I lay in bed last night thinking how I had this fantastic plan to purge and de-clutter the apt and only bring what we "need and want" to the townhome...well, it looks like it's all going to get moved and we'll purge and de-clutter at the townhome while unpacking!
We are only moving less than a 10minute drive away so my thoughts, are to pack up the SUV today and tomorrow and move drawers, bins of stuff (like kitchen) that can be unpacked immediately and then minimize the unpacking...dear birthday boy hubby's thoughts??? Pack everything into boxes - even what is in the drawers and line everything up against the wall and we'll move nice neat boxes to the townhome!!
Love it...as someone who strives to be organized and on-top-of-things, I love it...as a Mum of an almost two-year old, fighting some kind of horrible virus (me not Little Miss) that has my muscles, spine and joints in agony...yeah I'm thinking not so much...argh! So of course the argument of all arguments ensued last night as we both tried to figure out the best way to move...yes two days before moving!
Verdict? We went to bed! And well, let's be real...I'm the one that has to do all of the prep and packing, etc...the one that needs to occupy the Little Miss all day and well as the blog states...All-Things-Ally ;) You know I'll be doing my best to move over everything I possibly can over the next two days...organizing it neatly at the townhome - because I seriously think my way is best!!!
Oh the joys of moving...good thing Hubby and I do love each other so much...this could be the beginning of the end otherwise ;)
See you in Milpitas,
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I'm dreaming of a ...
...well if you know me well, you are probably expecting me to talk about how much I can't wait for Christmas...it is less than 6months away, you know! But what I'm really dreaming of is a ... holiday!
And not the kind of holiday I have coming up in August where we go home and visit family and friends...I mean a holiday where we go to new places and speak a new language...maybe hang out on a beach! Yes that kind of holiday. I think I feel like I need to re-charge my batteries and of course living so far from our family, usually means that vacation time is taken up by visiting with them and not somewhere different!
Pre-California, we went hiking & camping to different parks...Varadero, Cuba...Cartagena, Columbia...yes some fun and exciting places! I miss that...
But I am also incredibly excited to get hugs from my family and a cup of coffee with a few of my precious girls back home...so instead of whining about needing a holiday and some change, I will make it my mission to do lots of touristy stuff while back in Ottawa...I bet there's a ton that has changed and MANY MANY things I've never done or places I've never been or sights I've never seen.
Hmm...off to browse the ottawatourism.ca web site...and yes for all you O-town peeps, I did work on this web site when I was in advertising, and no I still didn't visit any of these new "activities or places"!!
And not the kind of holiday I have coming up in August where we go home and visit family and friends...I mean a holiday where we go to new places and speak a new language...maybe hang out on a beach! Yes that kind of holiday. I think I feel like I need to re-charge my batteries and of course living so far from our family, usually means that vacation time is taken up by visiting with them and not somewhere different!
Pre-California, we went hiking & camping to different parks...Varadero, Cuba...Cartagena, Columbia...yes some fun and exciting places! I miss that...
But I am also incredibly excited to get hugs from my family and a cup of coffee with a few of my precious girls back home...so instead of whining about needing a holiday and some change, I will make it my mission to do lots of touristy stuff while back in Ottawa...I bet there's a ton that has changed and MANY MANY things I've never done or places I've never been or sights I've never seen.
Hmm...off to browse the ottawatourism.ca web site...and yes for all you O-town peeps, I did work on this web site when I was in advertising, and no I still didn't visit any of these new "activities or places"!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
"Upstairs" to Bed
Woohoo! We get the keys to our new place tomorrow. We are so excited :)
I'm definitely going to miss this little apt of ours, but it will be so nice to have more space and wait for it....I finally get to go "upstairs" to bed! It's a sillyness of mine I've had since I moved out...I don't feel settled unless I have to go upstairs to go to bed...obviously living in apts for the last 14 years has not been great for me...and even our house back in Ottawa...all one level!
So tomorrow I get my dream...it's the most vertical townhome ever (heh heh) with a million stairs but I will have to go to a different level to go to sleep...and oh how nice it will be if someone pops by and the laundry is on the bed to be folded, we don't have to run over and close the door! So nice!
So tomorrow we get the keys and then we have until the end of the month to move so we'll take our time. I'm so very excited...but there is also a sadness about moving. Leaving behind the place we loved so much in 2006 when we arrived in California. Our house back home was being renovated and in quite the state when we left it and we moved here to this gorgeous apt community (known as Resort Living) with over 12 pools, hot tubs, fitness center...etc It was wonderful...but we've just outgrown it. And another reason to be sad to leave, the place we brought Little Miss home from the hospital will be no longer.
Apt 1126, you've given us some fantastic memories and as much as I'm excited about the Townhome, I will definitely be sad to leave you.
Ooo but did I mention each room has it's own ensuite FULL bathroom?!?! That's a lot of cleaning, but I don't care...pack your bags and come stay Chez Ws!!!
I'm definitely going to miss this little apt of ours, but it will be so nice to have more space and wait for it....I finally get to go "upstairs" to bed! It's a sillyness of mine I've had since I moved out...I don't feel settled unless I have to go upstairs to go to bed...obviously living in apts for the last 14 years has not been great for me...and even our house back in Ottawa...all one level!
So tomorrow I get my dream...it's the most vertical townhome ever (heh heh) with a million stairs but I will have to go to a different level to go to sleep...and oh how nice it will be if someone pops by and the laundry is on the bed to be folded, we don't have to run over and close the door! So nice!
So tomorrow we get the keys and then we have until the end of the month to move so we'll take our time. I'm so very excited...but there is also a sadness about moving. Leaving behind the place we loved so much in 2006 when we arrived in California. Our house back home was being renovated and in quite the state when we left it and we moved here to this gorgeous apt community (known as Resort Living) with over 12 pools, hot tubs, fitness center...etc It was wonderful...but we've just outgrown it. And another reason to be sad to leave, the place we brought Little Miss home from the hospital will be no longer.
Apt 1126, you've given us some fantastic memories and as much as I'm excited about the Townhome, I will definitely be sad to leave you.
Ooo but did I mention each room has it's own ensuite FULL bathroom?!?! That's a lot of cleaning, but I don't care...pack your bags and come stay Chez Ws!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
The stress of the spa!
I'm off for a pedi at the spa with some girlfriends tonight to celebrate a belated birthday/early going-away of a friend! So of course, as always, I find myself a few hours away, stressing about what color to get on my toesies!
Seriously, does anyone else go through this?? I wish I was that girl, that always gets the same color...like my Mum...summertime? She's always red...winter? a pretty pink...I always want to do something fun and then once I think I know what I want to do, I start to wonder....hmmm...I wonder what is "in season" right now. I don't get pedis very often, so if I'm going to get one, I want to make it a goody and get a nice color that not only suits my toes but they is in style!
Alrighty, off to consult my magazines! But wait, I don't even know what brand this spa carries...oh the stresses of the spa I tell you :)
Wishing everyone an opportunity to have this same stress this week!!!!
Seriously, does anyone else go through this?? I wish I was that girl, that always gets the same color...like my Mum...summertime? She's always red...winter? a pretty pink...I always want to do something fun and then once I think I know what I want to do, I start to wonder....hmmm...I wonder what is "in season" right now. I don't get pedis very often, so if I'm going to get one, I want to make it a goody and get a nice color that not only suits my toes but they is in style!
Alrighty, off to consult my magazines! But wait, I don't even know what brand this spa carries...oh the stresses of the spa I tell you :)
Wishing everyone an opportunity to have this same stress this week!!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I wasn't kidding...
....when I said Preschool in Cali is tough to get into!!! Which also ties into the very good reason I have for not blogging recently.
Friday after teaching class, a girlfriend and I drove over to the preschool to drop off our registration form and fee (of course not being able to trust the postman!!). Since A was driving I thought it would be best for me to run the envelopes into the mailbox...so I hopped out of the car and ran up to one side of the school...nope no mailbox, but a friendly woman said she wasn't sure but thought there was a mailbox on the other side...PERFECT!
As I look out to the street to point to A that I'm going around the back of the building (and to meet me in the parking lot)...I think I see the Little Miss screaming (at least her mouth was open and she had her face scrunched!)...so I ran like I've never run before...sprinting around the building, through the parking lot...and wait, what's happening, I'm not on the ground anymore...now it's like I'm flying and then OUF! and sliding...
Yes folks, that was me running through the parking lot, tripping over a curb I did not see AT ALL, and flying through the air and proceeding to slide along the pavement! The result?? Road burn from my knees up to one of my elbows, cut up knuckles..but wait the best part (or worse if I'm feeling guilty!!)? the Little Miss' application is fine...my girlfriend A's? well it broke part of my fall and I guess the envelope and check tore on the pavement and gravel.
I should take pictures (although 6 days later, it doesn't look anywhere near as bad) and show my Daughter at her university graduation, just how her education started....yes Preschool Admittance IS Competitive!
Back in action and healing nicely,
Friday after teaching class, a girlfriend and I drove over to the preschool to drop off our registration form and fee (of course not being able to trust the postman!!). Since A was driving I thought it would be best for me to run the envelopes into the mailbox...so I hopped out of the car and ran up to one side of the school...nope no mailbox, but a friendly woman said she wasn't sure but thought there was a mailbox on the other side...PERFECT!
As I look out to the street to point to A that I'm going around the back of the building (and to meet me in the parking lot)...I think I see the Little Miss screaming (at least her mouth was open and she had her face scrunched!)...so I ran like I've never run before...sprinting around the building, through the parking lot...and wait, what's happening, I'm not on the ground anymore...now it's like I'm flying and then OUF! and sliding...
Yes folks, that was me running through the parking lot, tripping over a curb I did not see AT ALL, and flying through the air and proceeding to slide along the pavement! The result?? Road burn from my knees up to one of my elbows, cut up knuckles..but wait the best part (or worse if I'm feeling guilty!!)? the Little Miss' application is fine...my girlfriend A's? well it broke part of my fall and I guess the envelope and check tore on the pavement and gravel.
I should take pictures (although 6 days later, it doesn't look anywhere near as bad) and show my Daughter at her university graduation, just how her education started....yes Preschool Admittance IS Competitive!
Back in action and healing nicely,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Preschool...kind of like Private School!
Oooo squee I'm so excited! We just found out Sadie has a spot at a Preschool that I thought was not going to happen....okay history:
- a friend of mine told me about this Parent-participation Preschool in the beginning of May. She's a teacher and has very high standards for Preschools and was telling me all about it and I completely fell in love with the philosophy of the school...not so much for my soon-to-be two year old, but more for when she's 3 and 4...but as we know, you gotta get them in at 2 to secure a space for when they are older...anyhow, loved the sound of this preschool...until she told me, oh the application deadline was early February....for September?!!? Are you kidding me?? Who knew! So I raced home, looked up the site and confirmed what friend had told me...it really looked wonderful! I called them up and they also confirmed what friend had told me - deadline was February and classes were full. Bummer :( I kind of gave up on looking for Preschools after that
And yes my friends...everything happens for a reason...fast forward to yesterday.
- same friend emails my Mums Group, that they have 4 spots open at the Preschool as they've decided to increase the class size. As quickly as I could dial, I had left a message on their voicemail...very civil and very parent-like I might add - although all I wanted to say was "Pick Little Miss!!!" Well we found out this morning, a spot has been set aside for her and quicker than quick I had the application filled and the Registration Fee check written out!
I called my Mum immediately and squeeled to her as she explained to me this is how excited she was when I got into private high school...although I did have to sit an Entrance Exam...all Sadie had to do was promise to turn 2 in September and have her Mummy dial the Preschool's number quickly.
Yes folks...preschool in California...may as well be the same process as Private School in Montreal! But at least I know my wee one will be in a great preschool program leading up to Kindergarten!
Okay, September...how many days away?!?
- a friend of mine told me about this Parent-participation Preschool in the beginning of May. She's a teacher and has very high standards for Preschools and was telling me all about it and I completely fell in love with the philosophy of the school...not so much for my soon-to-be two year old, but more for when she's 3 and 4...but as we know, you gotta get them in at 2 to secure a space for when they are older...anyhow, loved the sound of this preschool...until she told me, oh the application deadline was early February....for September?!!? Are you kidding me?? Who knew! So I raced home, looked up the site and confirmed what friend had told me...it really looked wonderful! I called them up and they also confirmed what friend had told me - deadline was February and classes were full. Bummer :( I kind of gave up on looking for Preschools after that
And yes my friends...everything happens for a reason...fast forward to yesterday.
- same friend emails my Mums Group, that they have 4 spots open at the Preschool as they've decided to increase the class size. As quickly as I could dial, I had left a message on their voicemail...very civil and very parent-like I might add - although all I wanted to say was "Pick Little Miss!!!" Well we found out this morning, a spot has been set aside for her and quicker than quick I had the application filled and the Registration Fee check written out!
I called my Mum immediately and squeeled to her as she explained to me this is how excited she was when I got into private high school...although I did have to sit an Entrance Exam...all Sadie had to do was promise to turn 2 in September and have her Mummy dial the Preschool's number quickly.
Yes folks...preschool in California...may as well be the same process as Private School in Montreal! But at least I know my wee one will be in a great preschool program leading up to Kindergarten!
Okay, September...how many days away?!?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Pushup Challenge Update
Oh gosh it's hard...like really hard!
Okay so I'm in Week 2 - Day 1. I have to admit I'm not nearly as sore after the session compared to when I started...but the individual sessions are tough...really tough. I won't be surprised if I need to repeat Week 2 - I'm able to finish the sessions, but I don't really feel strong...I feel like I'm struggling to complete them!
This 6 week program is turning into a 12 week program I think! heh heh Hmm...maybe it will just click for me. In the meantime...it hurts...oh does it hurt!
(In case you can't tell, I just finished my session - in fact arms are still trembling...oh wait, that may be all of the coffee I've drank today!)
Be well and be strong,
Okay so I'm in Week 2 - Day 1. I have to admit I'm not nearly as sore after the session compared to when I started...but the individual sessions are tough...really tough. I won't be surprised if I need to repeat Week 2 - I'm able to finish the sessions, but I don't really feel strong...I feel like I'm struggling to complete them!
This 6 week program is turning into a 12 week program I think! heh heh Hmm...maybe it will just click for me. In the meantime...it hurts...oh does it hurt!
(In case you can't tell, I just finished my session - in fact arms are still trembling...oh wait, that may be all of the coffee I've drank today!)
Be well and be strong,
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Certain Girls!

Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner
I kid you not...it took me 2 weeks to read the first 170 pages or so and a few hours to read the next 170 or so. This was so slow for me in the beginning but it totally got my attention in the last half. I thought it took way too long to set the scene. This was a sequel to Good in Bed which I had read about 5 years ago (approx!) and Certain Girls can't making reference to things that happened in Good in Bed, but I couldn't remember all of the details so I was frustrated. Perhaps if you haven't read Good in Bed, it would just be a fun chick-lit...but as I mentioned I was frustrated. So if you are going to read Certain Girls, be sure to re-read Good in Bed or read them close together!
I think maybe I need a break from chicklit...this one just didn't do it for me....although I did find myself laughing and crying in the last 1/3 of the book...and I do love a book that evokes that much (and that varied) emotion.
Rating?? 2.5/5...maybe if I wasn't so frustrated at the references to the previous book, it would have got a higher rating...maybe!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Book Review
A Blog friend of mine Polly does a book review of each book she reads and I love it! I always like to know what others are reading to get ideas for myself...so I've decided to copy - hope you don't mind Polly!
I will display the book on the sidebar that I'm currently reading and then you can stay tuned for a review...with summer here (not that you would know it by the weather!) and terrible tv, I'm sure I'll be doing a lot more reading...and a lot more reviewing!
Stay tuned,
I will display the book on the sidebar that I'm currently reading and then you can stay tuned for a review...with summer here (not that you would know it by the weather!) and terrible tv, I'm sure I'll be doing a lot more reading...and a lot more reviewing!
Stay tuned,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
One Hundred Pushup Challenge
Okay who's in?!
I think it would be so cool to be able to do 100 "full" push ups...not to mention what my shoulders, chest and arms would look like - woowee!
So I'll set up a little tracker on the side bar and you can follow me :)
Anyone else interested?? http://hundredpushups.com - let me know if you are going to do it, I'd love to have a buddy!
Just did the first workout and arms are a little shakey but good - bring on Day 2!
I think it would be so cool to be able to do 100 "full" push ups...not to mention what my shoulders, chest and arms would look like - woowee!
So I'll set up a little tracker on the side bar and you can follow me :)
Anyone else interested?? http://hundredpushups.com - let me know if you are going to do it, I'd love to have a buddy!
Just did the first workout and arms are a little shakey but good - bring on Day 2!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I'm floored!
I am horrible at being a regular blogger, because I often wondered do people even care? So I would blog every once in a while and every once in a while someone would comment.
And then...Along came Polly and left me the biggest surprise and the kindest words ever:
I've never received a blogging "award" before...and better yet this one is for friendship, in my opinion the best award to get!
Thank you dear Polly for your friendship, comments and for your fantastic blog. I love checking my blog list and seeing a new post. You've inspired me to commit a little more to blogging and really open myself up...cuz when I open up even the tiniest bit, the friendships begin. I would definitely give the award to ya if you hadn't just given it to me!
The rules of the award are as follows:
Here are the rules:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
Okay, so I don't have a lot of blogs that I follow but I do have a few and instead of giving them all awards just to get to the number 8, I'm cutting mine a bit - I'll give 3...hey, my blog, I get to do what I want, right?!?
Dana at Blackberry Belle of the Ball - she's my dear real friend and she blogs so honestly and openly, I love it. Lovely, I'm not sure I need to let you know how much your friendship means to me, but in case you need to hear it...not a whole lot of good came out of BLG...but your friendship is definitely the greatest gift I received from that experience xo
Alli at Right Up My "Alli" - also a dear real friend and someone I met online, had the pleasure of living 5 minutes from her for 2 years and now that she's back in CO, I get to enjoy her company online again. It makes me sad that she's not 5min away anymore, but I'm so grateful that I was even graced by her for 2 years...it's quality not quantity and I'm just glad I got to share in her life for a bit!
Yum at Diary of a Yummy Mummy - I love this gal's blog and if we lived in Boston, I would just love to share parkdates with her and her little man. Her blog is always so refreshing, so positive and so darn honest - I love it. Plus the girl has the greatest fashion sense, really!
Congrats to the "recipients" :)
And then...Along came Polly and left me the biggest surprise and the kindest words ever:

Thank you dear Polly for your friendship, comments and for your fantastic blog. I love checking my blog list and seeing a new post. You've inspired me to commit a little more to blogging and really open myself up...cuz when I open up even the tiniest bit, the friendships begin. I would definitely give the award to ya if you hadn't just given it to me!
The rules of the award are as follows:
Here are the rules:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
Okay, so I don't have a lot of blogs that I follow but I do have a few and instead of giving them all awards just to get to the number 8, I'm cutting mine a bit - I'll give 3...hey, my blog, I get to do what I want, right?!?
Dana at Blackberry Belle of the Ball - she's my dear real friend and she blogs so honestly and openly, I love it. Lovely, I'm not sure I need to let you know how much your friendship means to me, but in case you need to hear it...not a whole lot of good came out of BLG...but your friendship is definitely the greatest gift I received from that experience xo
Alli at Right Up My "Alli" - also a dear real friend and someone I met online, had the pleasure of living 5 minutes from her for 2 years and now that she's back in CO, I get to enjoy her company online again. It makes me sad that she's not 5min away anymore, but I'm so grateful that I was even graced by her for 2 years...it's quality not quantity and I'm just glad I got to share in her life for a bit!
Yum at Diary of a Yummy Mummy - I love this gal's blog and if we lived in Boston, I would just love to share parkdates with her and her little man. Her blog is always so refreshing, so positive and so darn honest - I love it. Plus the girl has the greatest fashion sense, really!
Congrats to the "recipients" :)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Doozy of a week & a little Spaahhh!
It's been a doozy of a week...but the good thing is it's Friday...I'm getting ready to teach my last Baby Boot Camp class of the week and it's a long weekend! Oh and did I mention I'm off to the Spaaaahhhh this weekend?! WEEEHOOO sooo what this Mummy needs!
If you are following me on Facebook, then you know that the Little Miss "hates" her father right now...and so I essentially feel like a Single Mum with a Husband...and no support. By the way, that's a Single SAHM with a Franchise on the side with a Husband. So this weekend comes at the perfect time. We've realized with the Little Miss that if I leave her she's okay, but she will not leave me to go out with her dad without screaming and crying - and it's not a tantrum cry/whine...no it's a desperate plea for help, that normally ends up with both hubby and I in tears as well. It's been horrible. But hopefully a good long weekend, re-charging the batteries and a positive attitude will be the cure for us.
Oh and did I mention the SPA?!! heh heh I have very overdue gift cards to INSPA that I must put to use...I'm thinking a 60min massage and a 60min facial. I've only ever had one facial in my life two months before my wedding (and thank goodness I gave that much time in between) - it was horrible, I was physically scarred on my face for a few weeks and there was nothing pleasant about it. In fact, I walked out and immediately went in search for Advil to relieve the pain! However, I hear from the lovely YummyMummys in my life that this is not necessary. Facials can be a wonderful thing...so I will try again...but please no picking unless I say I'm ready for picking and if we do some picking, can we try and leave the skin on my face?!
Well here's to a great long weekend, lots of BBQ, time in the sun (with sunscreen of course) and a happy little daughter...it's going to be a great one!
If you are following me on Facebook, then you know that the Little Miss "hates" her father right now...and so I essentially feel like a Single Mum with a Husband...and no support. By the way, that's a Single SAHM with a Franchise on the side with a Husband. So this weekend comes at the perfect time. We've realized with the Little Miss that if I leave her she's okay, but she will not leave me to go out with her dad without screaming and crying - and it's not a tantrum cry/whine...no it's a desperate plea for help, that normally ends up with both hubby and I in tears as well. It's been horrible. But hopefully a good long weekend, re-charging the batteries and a positive attitude will be the cure for us.
Oh and did I mention the SPA?!! heh heh I have very overdue gift cards to INSPA that I must put to use...I'm thinking a 60min massage and a 60min facial. I've only ever had one facial in my life two months before my wedding (and thank goodness I gave that much time in between) - it was horrible, I was physically scarred on my face for a few weeks and there was nothing pleasant about it. In fact, I walked out and immediately went in search for Advil to relieve the pain! However, I hear from the lovely YummyMummys in my life that this is not necessary. Facials can be a wonderful thing...so I will try again...but please no picking unless I say I'm ready for picking and if we do some picking, can we try and leave the skin on my face?!
Well here's to a great long weekend, lots of BBQ, time in the sun (with sunscreen of course) and a happy little daughter...it's going to be a great one!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
And so it begins...
Half Marathon training that is...I went for my first run this morning in a long time and it was amazing...I love this sport! Why did I stop?!? Don't get me wrong, it was hot and it was tough but I guess since I wasn't alone it helped...I feel amazing (very much in need of a shower) but amazing. I can't wait to create a new playlist and start logging those miles.
Speaking of miles, can I tell you how much I love running "miles" versus "kilometers"?? It makes the training plan a lot less daunting!
So if you are in the Bay Area on July 26th, I'd love the support...come up to San Fran and find yourself a fantastic street corner to cheer us on! Oh and by "us" I mean a friend/colleague of mine and perhaps the Hubby..no strollers allowed at this event unfortunately :(
Oh right Challenge...here is what I did yesterday (Friday):
Challenge #2-Wake up and smile. Regardless of who or what woke you up from sweet slumber, before you get out of bed, put a huge smile on your face and then face the day. Feel free to rinse & repeat each day. I had a rough week, so yesterday I did a little attitude adjustment and just made it a great day...all day!
And for today: Challenge #24-Set aside at least one whole hour where nothing is planned & see where the day takes you. As I may have mentioned, I'm flying solo right now as Hubby is up in Yosemite and so as much as we had a busy morning, Miss Boo and I...she's down for a nap and I have no idea what we'll do when she wakes up...really no clue! But in the meantime, I think I'll take a nap myself.
Phew, it's hot out there!
Speaking of miles, can I tell you how much I love running "miles" versus "kilometers"?? It makes the training plan a lot less daunting!
So if you are in the Bay Area on July 26th, I'd love the support...come up to San Fran and find yourself a fantastic street corner to cheer us on! Oh and by "us" I mean a friend/colleague of mine and perhaps the Hubby..no strollers allowed at this event unfortunately :(
Oh right Challenge...here is what I did yesterday (Friday):
Challenge #2-Wake up and smile. Regardless of who or what woke you up from sweet slumber, before you get out of bed, put a huge smile on your face and then face the day. Feel free to rinse & repeat each day. I had a rough week, so yesterday I did a little attitude adjustment and just made it a great day...all day!
And for today: Challenge #24-Set aside at least one whole hour where nothing is planned & see where the day takes you. As I may have mentioned, I'm flying solo right now as Hubby is up in Yosemite and so as much as we had a busy morning, Miss Boo and I...she's down for a nap and I have no idea what we'll do when she wakes up...really no clue! But in the meantime, I think I'll take a nap myself.
Phew, it's hot out there!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
It's not so bad, is it??
Hubby is out with some friends/colleagues from work and so it's me flying solo this evening...oh and I'm flying solo this weekend too (I know I shouldn't complain, I think of my friend Dana who's doing it with two alone for months - ugh!!). Anyhow, I didn't feel like cooking for 1 1/4 people so I walked the pup and Boo to Subway and got myself a 5pt turkey sub - unfortunately it probably wasn't worth the 5pts since the bread was tough and the veggies not the crispest (note to self: do not return to THAT Subway).
Normally our routine is that at 6:45-7ish (after dinner) Hubby grabs Boo and Deezy and heads for a walk and I get 30minutes to tidy up, catch up on The Hills/Facebook/Twitter/etc. It's lovely...well since I had taken "the kids" for their long walk at 6 to get dins, at 7pm I had no idea what to do with Boo...it's not a bath night, so well, I put her to bed!!!! I'm just done...I'm tired, I don't feel like singing or dancing or reading anymore books or playing with any toys. And I'm not a huge fan of Sadie watching TV before bed...so we read an extra book than we normally do and she's in bed and I literally have my feet up, enjoying my night with Deezy (and no dishes to clean)!!
On a completely separate note, I did fall off the Challenge bandwagon, but here, I'll jump back on with Challenge #6-Take 10 minutes to sit in silence. And since I'm flying solo, I can actually do that. Once I finish this blog, I will go and sit out on our patio and listen to the birds...and try not to look at the clock every 2minutes :)
Oh and one other bit of news...I want to run the San Francisco Half Marathon - anyone else?!!?
xo CaliAlly
Normally our routine is that at 6:45-7ish (after dinner) Hubby grabs Boo and Deezy and heads for a walk and I get 30minutes to tidy up, catch up on The Hills/Facebook/Twitter/etc. It's lovely...well since I had taken "the kids" for their long walk at 6 to get dins, at 7pm I had no idea what to do with Boo...it's not a bath night, so well, I put her to bed!!!! I'm just done...I'm tired, I don't feel like singing or dancing or reading anymore books or playing with any toys. And I'm not a huge fan of Sadie watching TV before bed...so we read an extra book than we normally do and she's in bed and I literally have my feet up, enjoying my night with Deezy (and no dishes to clean)!!
On a completely separate note, I did fall off the Challenge bandwagon, but here, I'll jump back on with Challenge #6-Take 10 minutes to sit in silence. And since I'm flying solo, I can actually do that. Once I finish this blog, I will go and sit out on our patio and listen to the birds...and try not to look at the clock every 2minutes :)
Oh and one other bit of news...I want to run the San Francisco Half Marathon - anyone else?!!?
xo CaliAlly
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Challenge Day 6
Okay so today I'm moody, tired and just all around grumpy! So it seemed like it was the perfect day to pick 11-Print out your Profits & Loss sheet. Really look at it. If there are items you don't understand, ask your bookkeeper/accountant/fellow mamapreneur. Make today the day you get a grip on your business finances - as my Challenge for day 6!!
It definitely didn't help my mood, but if I saved this one for another day and was in a really good mood, it seriously might depress me!!!
My business is doing well...I think I just set the bar to high by hoping to be "in the black" by September...especially with an instructor going on "mat leave" in September so I won't really be able to add many classes in the Fall. I think I'll push the goal to "in the black" by end of 2009.
But I'm having fun and I'm hoping I inspire Mamas to get in shape and be the strongest and bestest Mummy they can be. And really, at the end of the day (and I'm not losing money), that's more than enough for me :)
It definitely didn't help my mood, but if I saved this one for another day and was in a really good mood, it seriously might depress me!!!
My business is doing well...I think I just set the bar to high by hoping to be "in the black" by September...especially with an instructor going on "mat leave" in September so I won't really be able to add many classes in the Fall. I think I'll push the goal to "in the black" by end of 2009.
But I'm having fun and I'm hoping I inspire Mamas to get in shape and be the strongest and bestest Mummy they can be. And really, at the end of the day (and I'm not losing money), that's more than enough for me :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Challenge Day 5 & BBC Success!
Okay before the challenge...I'm so excited to announce that I am adding yet another Baby Boot Camp class to my schedule! That means I will have classes 5 mornings a week and beginning in June, I will have evening classes twice a week in addition! So exciting. As a result I have hired a new instructor that begins tomorrow! So for the rest of May, I will have Wednesdays off - yey! It will be nice to have a day off in the middle of the week! hmm...what to do, what to do - to be honest, I'll probably go to Baby Boot Camp and get MY workout in!!! heh heh No seriously, I will try to stay out of the business for that morning - that's for Sadie and I! YEY
Now onto the Challenge...today I choose: 4-Schedule four weeks of vacation over the next year. Yes: FOUR. You don't need to figure out what you're doing during those weeks and you can move the dates around later, but cross out FOUR weeks of planned vacation. Do it NOW. You are the boss, after all. And here's what I've decided...
3 weeks in August to go home to Ottawa
2 weeks in December to enjoy the holidays with my family
Okay so that's 5 weeks, but the truth is my biz will keep running through the 3 weeks of August - relying on my existing instructor (who by the way will be 8months preggers - what a trooper) and a new instructor that I'm hoping to bring on board in June!
Woohoo, vacation is booked...I've marked it in my Planner and I'm all set! Now to book the plane tickets to Ottawa!
Now onto the Challenge...today I choose: 4-Schedule four weeks of vacation over the next year. Yes: FOUR. You don't need to figure out what you're doing during those weeks and you can move the dates around later, but cross out FOUR weeks of planned vacation. Do it NOW. You are the boss, after all. And here's what I've decided...
3 weeks in August to go home to Ottawa
2 weeks in December to enjoy the holidays with my family
Okay so that's 5 weeks, but the truth is my biz will keep running through the 3 weeks of August - relying on my existing instructor (who by the way will be 8months preggers - what a trooper) and a new instructor that I'm hoping to bring on board in June!
Woohoo, vacation is booked...I've marked it in my Planner and I'm all set! Now to book the plane tickets to Ottawa!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Challenge Day 4
It's Monday...no working for me :) Yippee!
Here's what I've chosen for today: 13-Start the day telling each person in your family that you love them along with one reason why they make you smile.
I will tell my Hubby that I love him and that one of the reasons he makes me smile is his drive and passion. He is such a passionate and driven person - when he puts his mind to something - WOW, step out the way...and that inspires much confidence and passion in me...I like that, I really like that.
I will tell the Little Miss that I love her and that one of the reasons she makes me smile is her genuine goodness and sweetness. The spontaneous hugs and kisses, the need to sit on my lap if I'm on the floor, the way she loves her little friends. I'm so pleased that I've succeeded raising a good girl...well at least for the last 20 months - cannot guarantee what she'll be like at 16 years old ;)
I will tell my Deezy that I love him and that one of the reasons he makes me smile is his sweet disposition, especially around the Little Miss. He will let her hug him, kiss him, smother him, tickle his toes, and he'll just sit there looking at me with this pathetic look on his face "Get her off of me"...but he takes it!
That's all folks! At some point, something interesting will happen and I will blog...but for now, I focus on the challenge :)
Here's what I've chosen for today: 13-Start the day telling each person in your family that you love them along with one reason why they make you smile.
I will tell my Hubby that I love him and that one of the reasons he makes me smile is his drive and passion. He is such a passionate and driven person - when he puts his mind to something - WOW, step out the way...and that inspires much confidence and passion in me...I like that, I really like that.
I will tell the Little Miss that I love her and that one of the reasons she makes me smile is her genuine goodness and sweetness. The spontaneous hugs and kisses, the need to sit on my lap if I'm on the floor, the way she loves her little friends. I'm so pleased that I've succeeded raising a good girl...well at least for the last 20 months - cannot guarantee what she'll be like at 16 years old ;)
I will tell my Deezy that I love him and that one of the reasons he makes me smile is his sweet disposition, especially around the Little Miss. He will let her hug him, kiss him, smother him, tickle his toes, and he'll just sit there looking at me with this pathetic look on his face "Get her off of me"...but he takes it!
That's all folks! At some point, something interesting will happen and I will blog...but for now, I focus on the challenge :)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Challenge Day 3
Okay just a quickie post - I'm tired (but have drunk too much coffee and can't sleep) and don't have a whole lot to say...
Today I choose 7-Write a thank you note -not an email, but a real handwritten card or postcard- to someone who has made a difference in your life. Mail it today.
I have to write the Thank You notes for birthday gifties, so I will do those this afternoon and put them in the mail this evening :) Thank you Mamapreneur for keeping me on the ball!
Today I choose 7-Write a thank you note -not an email, but a real handwritten card or postcard- to someone who has made a difference in your life. Mail it today.
I have to write the Thank You notes for birthday gifties, so I will do those this afternoon and put them in the mail this evening :) Thank you Mamapreneur for keeping me on the ball!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Challenge: Day 2! & Skincare Update!!
Today is Day 2 of the Challenge...yep I'm still committed (a pretty good thing for me)...I did tell Hubby and the Little Miss about how much I love them and why they make me laugh...I think they really liked that - well at least Hubby did. Except now he thinks he can tease me and act like a goof all the time because really it makes me laugh - uh oh!
Today I choose to do #3 Do 15 sit-ups, 15 push-ups, 15 jumping jacks.
I'm working today at a Baby Expo/Fair with two other Franchise Owners promoting Baby Boot Camp and I know I'm not going to get much physical activity in especially since we go from about 8:30-4:30...when I get home I'll be done :)
Oh yes and Skincare update - thx to everyone for their messages and comments, I had a huge array of products to choose from! I decided to go with L'Occitane - and let me tell you, after 5 days (I know, not that long) I'm not regretting it at all!! I chose the Olive line and am loving how my face feels and looks - they promise radiance and so far I'm definitely seeing that!
And on a side note...are you wearing SPF? Sometimes you need more than just what is in your moisturizer. I found the neatest SPF - apparently it's been around for a while but maybe I just noticed it this year since this is the year of Ally...and with teaching classes outside almost every day, I really need some coverage on this "radiant face" I'm creating! So I bought Bare Escentuals' Mineral SPF - SO COOL! I struggle with heavy oily SPF on my face and I hate the feeling of most of them, not to mention the greasy application - so rarely do I re-apply. I used to just use my Moisturizer's SPF and be done for the day - not good...I KNOW I need to re-apply. Anyhow, this stuff is great! You don't feel like it's on, and it's a small container that can pop in my diaper bag/beach bag no problem and super easy to reapply without a mirror and no streaky-ness...now how well does it work? Okay I haven't been able to test that yet (thank you Bay Area rain) as the one day I taught with the sun, I also had my visor on...but I will let you know!
Okay now back to those pushups, sit-ups and jacks! 1...2...3...
xo CaliAlly
Today I choose to do #3 Do 15 sit-ups, 15 push-ups, 15 jumping jacks.
I'm working today at a Baby Expo/Fair with two other Franchise Owners promoting Baby Boot Camp and I know I'm not going to get much physical activity in especially since we go from about 8:30-4:30...when I get home I'll be done :)
Oh yes and Skincare update - thx to everyone for their messages and comments, I had a huge array of products to choose from! I decided to go with L'Occitane - and let me tell you, after 5 days (I know, not that long) I'm not regretting it at all!! I chose the Olive line and am loving how my face feels and looks - they promise radiance and so far I'm definitely seeing that!
And on a side note...are you wearing SPF? Sometimes you need more than just what is in your moisturizer. I found the neatest SPF - apparently it's been around for a while but maybe I just noticed it this year since this is the year of Ally...and with teaching classes outside almost every day, I really need some coverage on this "radiant face" I'm creating! So I bought Bare Escentuals' Mineral SPF - SO COOL! I struggle with heavy oily SPF on my face and I hate the feeling of most of them, not to mention the greasy application - so rarely do I re-apply. I used to just use my Moisturizer's SPF and be done for the day - not good...I KNOW I need to re-apply. Anyhow, this stuff is great! You don't feel like it's on, and it's a small container that can pop in my diaper bag/beach bag no problem and super easy to reapply without a mirror and no streaky-ness...now how well does it work? Okay I haven't been able to test that yet (thank you Bay Area rain) as the one day I taught with the sun, I also had my visor on...but I will let you know!
Okay now back to those pushups, sit-ups and jacks! 1...2...3...
xo CaliAlly
Friday, May 1, 2009
A New Challenge
So in case you haven't figured out...I love Challenges - any and all kinds!
A colleague of mine up in Portland belongs to this Entrepreneurs group - Mamapreneurs Inc (which I SOOOOOOO wish had a Bay Area location - what a great support group) and they have a May Challenge which I've decided to take part in! It's 31 tasks to take part in throughout the month of May - best thing is that some of them require quite a bit of work and others barely any - and you don't have to do the tasks in order! Okay sign me up!!
So today, I choose - 14-End your day by telling each person in your family that you love them along with one reason why they make you laugh.
I will tell Hubby that I love him and that although his "goofyness/playing around" drives me crazy and I may ask him over and over to "Cut it out"...secretly I'm laughing and smiling inside because I love that he is so carefree around me. I looked for 27 1/2 years to find a person I can feel 100% comfortable with and vice versa - it's also one of the reasons I know my hubby is my soulmate.
I will tell Little Miss that I love her and that although I call the evening "Witching Hour" because she's exhausted, very unpredictable and a little crazy, it's my favorite time with her...she's clingy and wants hugs (LOVE IT), she's swings from happy to angry (and I can't help but laugh on the inside at her clenched fists and other expressions of frustration) and lastly she is seriously crazy (and makes me laugh so hard) when she does these little voices or her fake laugh or anything she possibly can at dinner to make us laugh...this is also one of the reasons that I'm a stickler about Family Dinners...it's 30minutes of good food, great company and TONS of laughter!
What will you tell your loved ones tonight??
A colleague of mine up in Portland belongs to this Entrepreneurs group - Mamapreneurs Inc (which I SOOOOOOO wish had a Bay Area location - what a great support group) and they have a May Challenge which I've decided to take part in! It's 31 tasks to take part in throughout the month of May - best thing is that some of them require quite a bit of work and others barely any - and you don't have to do the tasks in order! Okay sign me up!!
So today, I choose - 14-End your day by telling each person in your family that you love them along with one reason why they make you laugh.
I will tell Hubby that I love him and that although his "goofyness/playing around" drives me crazy and I may ask him over and over to "Cut it out"...secretly I'm laughing and smiling inside because I love that he is so carefree around me. I looked for 27 1/2 years to find a person I can feel 100% comfortable with and vice versa - it's also one of the reasons I know my hubby is my soulmate.
I will tell Little Miss that I love her and that although I call the evening "Witching Hour" because she's exhausted, very unpredictable and a little crazy, it's my favorite time with her...she's clingy and wants hugs (LOVE IT), she's swings from happy to angry (and I can't help but laugh on the inside at her clenched fists and other expressions of frustration) and lastly she is seriously crazy (and makes me laugh so hard) when she does these little voices or her fake laugh or anything she possibly can at dinner to make us laugh...this is also one of the reasons that I'm a stickler about Family Dinners...it's 30minutes of good food, great company and TONS of laughter!
What will you tell your loved ones tonight??
Sunday, April 26, 2009
33 and couldn't be happier!
Wow, so I'm officially 33 - mid-thirties, I guess! Okay I don't like the sound of that...I'm deciding I'm early-30s for another year!!!
Last night my fantastic friends and hubby threw me a Surprise Party - I seriously had NO idea!! It was fantastic - and I was so excited when I took the blindfold off and saw tons of people coming out of my bestest's daughter's room...it was like a little stream! Talk about gratitude! I guess it's been a long time since I sat down and thought "Yeah, we've made a life for ourselves in Cali"...I didn't think that I'd ever be able to meet a new group of girlfriends that are so wonderful and dear to me...but I have and even better they all have amazing little people that Sadie loves and wonderful partners that my hubby has befriended....wonderful.
I want to make some resolutions...yes I know it's not the new year...but it kind of is for me! So let's see...some things for me to see and do in 33 - ps List is subject to change!
1-To-do List every day (whether it's 2 itmems or 22 - I'm getting SO forgetful in my old age and so disorganized and I hate it!)
2-Get preggers
3-Move out of our tiny 2 bedroom
4-Get my company "in the black"
5-Establish a skincare routine....if I don't take care of it, how can I expect it to take care of me
6-Fit in MY workouts each day - it's tough since I teach more days than not, but I really need to make sure I get my workouts in as well
7-Indulge in my love of stationary....and then put it to use, beautiful written letters and note cards versus emails!
Okay that's all for now and like I've said before...this blog is "All About Ally" so therefore, these resolutions are Ally-focused.
I love my life, my family and my friends...I truly am blessed! And now I must stop blogging to go and get a birthday cuddle from the bestest hugger in the world...the Little Miss!
Happy birthday me!
Last night my fantastic friends and hubby threw me a Surprise Party - I seriously had NO idea!! It was fantastic - and I was so excited when I took the blindfold off and saw tons of people coming out of my bestest's daughter's room...it was like a little stream! Talk about gratitude! I guess it's been a long time since I sat down and thought "Yeah, we've made a life for ourselves in Cali"...I didn't think that I'd ever be able to meet a new group of girlfriends that are so wonderful and dear to me...but I have and even better they all have amazing little people that Sadie loves and wonderful partners that my hubby has befriended....wonderful.
I want to make some resolutions...yes I know it's not the new year...but it kind of is for me! So let's see...some things for me to see and do in 33 - ps List is subject to change!
1-To-do List every day (whether it's 2 itmems or 22 - I'm getting SO forgetful in my old age and so disorganized and I hate it!)
2-Get preggers
3-Move out of our tiny 2 bedroom
4-Get my company "in the black"
5-Establish a skincare routine....if I don't take care of it, how can I expect it to take care of me
6-Fit in MY workouts each day - it's tough since I teach more days than not, but I really need to make sure I get my workouts in as well
7-Indulge in my love of stationary....and then put it to use, beautiful written letters and note cards versus emails!
Okay that's all for now and like I've said before...this blog is "All About Ally" so therefore, these resolutions are Ally-focused.
I love my life, my family and my friends...I truly am blessed! And now I must stop blogging to go and get a birthday cuddle from the bestest hugger in the world...the Little Miss!
Happy birthday me!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Creating an Attitude of Gratitude!
I'm way too tired! No blogging...I'm having a fantastic week with my Mum and the Little Miss...and yes the Hubby in the evening!
But teaching every morning, and having fun all day every day, I'm beat!
But I wanted to let you all know, I'm adding a new Challenge to the side of this blog...Creating an Attitude of Gratitude. Each day I will list 3 things I'm grateful for...some days it may be as trivial as being thankful for Coffee...however lately I get myself into a rut, and that sucks...so perhaps by "forcing" the optimism it will in fact change back to my "cheery disposition"!!!!!
Hope this finds everyone well...ps Two more days of32...oooo what to do, what to do!
But teaching every morning, and having fun all day every day, I'm beat!
But I wanted to let you all know, I'm adding a new Challenge to the side of this blog...Creating an Attitude of Gratitude. Each day I will list 3 things I'm grateful for...some days it may be as trivial as being thankful for Coffee...however lately I get myself into a rut, and that sucks...so perhaps by "forcing" the optimism it will in fact change back to my "cheery disposition"!!!!!
Hope this finds everyone well...ps Two more days of32...oooo what to do, what to do!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Enough is enough!
Gosh, do you ever have those days when you feel "not good enough"/inadequate/dumb/...the list goes on and on! Holy beating herself up day...well mine isn't a day, it's a month! I'm stressing myself out so much that I'm going crazy. I'm moody, I'm not sleeping and therefore relying on caffeine way too much - I'm eating junk and my body and face are paying for it! UGH! Enough is enough...it stops here!
Yeah, easier said than done. My classes are struggling this month...well maybe not, but I feel like they are. I came off an amazing month in March and now class attendance isn't very high. So I feel like a failure. I'm second-guessing myself every minute of every day which let's be honest is very exhausting...
- do my participants think I'm a crap instructor?
- are my participants bored with my workouts?
- do my participants think they aren't getting their moneys worth?
- can they see through my "Life is Great" exterior and see that I'm totally shaking inside???
Ugh I cannot get through this...and you know what? We are talking about SAHMs here - who have a million things on their to-do list, don't get sleep, get sick all the time and probably their not coming to class has nothing to do with me...but that doesn't reassure me.
I wish I had gone to school to study kinesiology or exercise science - maybe I wouldn't feel so insecure...
I wish I had more money in my pocket not to worry if things don't pan out...
I wish I didn't beat myself up so bloody much...
I wish...
I wish...
I wish...
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I'm taking a shower and calling it a day...it's 1:15pm now, the Little Miss is sleeping...when I get out of the shower I start Thursday, April 16th over again - and you know what?? It's going to be a GREAT DAY!
Yeah, easier said than done. My classes are struggling this month...well maybe not, but I feel like they are. I came off an amazing month in March and now class attendance isn't very high. So I feel like a failure. I'm second-guessing myself every minute of every day which let's be honest is very exhausting...
- do my participants think I'm a crap instructor?
- are my participants bored with my workouts?
- do my participants think they aren't getting their moneys worth?
- can they see through my "Life is Great" exterior and see that I'm totally shaking inside???
Ugh I cannot get through this...and you know what? We are talking about SAHMs here - who have a million things on their to-do list, don't get sleep, get sick all the time and probably their not coming to class has nothing to do with me...but that doesn't reassure me.
I wish I had gone to school to study kinesiology or exercise science - maybe I wouldn't feel so insecure...
I wish I had more money in my pocket not to worry if things don't pan out...
I wish I didn't beat myself up so bloody much...
I wish...
I wish...
I wish...
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I'm taking a shower and calling it a day...it's 1:15pm now, the Little Miss is sleeping...when I get out of the shower I start Thursday, April 16th over again - and you know what?? It's going to be a GREAT DAY!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Skincare - help!
I'm begging on my knees - ladies help me out!!!!!!!!
I've been looking forever (like 32 - almost 33 years of looking) for the perfect (okay maybe not perfect - how about great) skincare regime - specifically for face. I have dry skin although I do have a temperamental T-zone.
I don't have a ton of time so I don't want to adopt a routine that's going to take 30minutes in the a.m. and in the evening...but I'm noticing how bad my skin is lately and how much I need to give it TLC, so I'm willing to donate some time to it!! I'm even willing to pay decent money if a skincare line/product is pure heaven!
So please...comment until you can't comment no more! I'm interested in your regime as well as your products!
Help Ladies!
I've been looking forever (like 32 - almost 33 years of looking) for the perfect (okay maybe not perfect - how about great) skincare regime - specifically for face. I have dry skin although I do have a temperamental T-zone.
I don't have a ton of time so I don't want to adopt a routine that's going to take 30minutes in the a.m. and in the evening...but I'm noticing how bad my skin is lately and how much I need to give it TLC, so I'm willing to donate some time to it!! I'm even willing to pay decent money if a skincare line/product is pure heaven!
So please...comment until you can't comment no more! I'm interested in your regime as well as your products!
Help Ladies!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Where's CaliAlly?
Wondering why you didn't hear from me last week??? Because that little upset tummy the Little Miss had WAS the Stomach Flu and her and I traded it back and forth for about four days. Miserable!
I was in the worse mood ever last week...I felt terrible all week, the apt was mess, the Little Miss felt terrible, it rained, I had poor attendance in all of my classes (even had to cancel one)...ugh it was just a bad week!
However, we had a fantastic Easter weekend (I never really was a big Easter fan...I'm loving it now! I love re-discovering all of the holidays for and through my daughter's eyes!), the sun is shining and will all week and it's just going to get warmer everyday this week...and...wait for it...
my Mum arrives next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEHOOOOO I haven't seen her since her last visit out here for the Little Miss' 1st Birthday back in September...and I miss her terribly...so for 9 days it will be my Mum, the Little Miss and I running around tearing up the Bay Area...oh and the Hubby will join for occasional jaunts!
Speaking of Hubby, he's demanding that we ask my Mum to babysit one night and go out for a proper date...not this eating dinner at 9pm because we want to make sure Little Miss goes down...he's talking about going out for dinner around 7 and then seeing a movie...I hope my Mum is up for it...I mean Hey, it is my Birthday, right?!!?
I was in the worse mood ever last week...I felt terrible all week, the apt was mess, the Little Miss felt terrible, it rained, I had poor attendance in all of my classes (even had to cancel one)...ugh it was just a bad week!
However, we had a fantastic Easter weekend (I never really was a big Easter fan...I'm loving it now! I love re-discovering all of the holidays for and through my daughter's eyes!), the sun is shining and will all week and it's just going to get warmer everyday this week...and...wait for it...
my Mum arrives next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEHOOOOO I haven't seen her since her last visit out here for the Little Miss' 1st Birthday back in September...and I miss her terribly...so for 9 days it will be my Mum, the Little Miss and I running around tearing up the Bay Area...oh and the Hubby will join for occasional jaunts!
Speaking of Hubby, he's demanding that we ask my Mum to babysit one night and go out for a proper date...not this eating dinner at 9pm because we want to make sure Little Miss goes down...he's talking about going out for dinner around 7 and then seeing a movie...I hope my Mum is up for it...I mean Hey, it is my Birthday, right?!!?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Words a Mother never likes to hear...
..."Babe, wake up, Little Miss is vomiting". These are the words I woke up to this morning and I swear they are the worst words a SAHM/WAHM can hear...immediately the following thoughts go through my head:
- I hope it's nothing serious
- Crap, how many loads of laundry will I do today?
- I wonder how long I have until I start vomiting!
- Please don't let Curt get it
- Please don't make it smell too bad ;)
Seriously...all of this goes through my head as I run from our room to the Little Miss' room...fortunately it was not a bug and just an upset tummy (Hubby accidentally used Cayenne Pepper instead of Paprika in our pasta last night!!!) or a result of a mini-coughing fit. We had the Little Miss' 18month Well Visit at the Pediatrician and I was able to get them to check her out at the same time and they did not find a fever or anything at all...she's been in great spirits and totally not lethargic!
Phew! We escaped it this time...but it's just a reminder to pop my wipes and sanitizers back into my diaper bag (I think I was getting cocky) and remember the importance of washing hands...especially after the park, before snacktime, etc!
It's such a gorgeous day out there...think we'll head out and enjoy the sun and warm temperatures and be grateful that I'm only doing one load of laundry today!!!
- I hope it's nothing serious
- Crap, how many loads of laundry will I do today?
- I wonder how long I have until I start vomiting!
- Please don't let Curt get it
- Please don't make it smell too bad ;)
Seriously...all of this goes through my head as I run from our room to the Little Miss' room...fortunately it was not a bug and just an upset tummy (Hubby accidentally used Cayenne Pepper instead of Paprika in our pasta last night!!!) or a result of a mini-coughing fit. We had the Little Miss' 18month Well Visit at the Pediatrician and I was able to get them to check her out at the same time and they did not find a fever or anything at all...she's been in great spirits and totally not lethargic!
Phew! We escaped it this time...but it's just a reminder to pop my wipes and sanitizers back into my diaper bag (I think I was getting cocky) and remember the importance of washing hands...especially after the park, before snacktime, etc!
It's such a gorgeous day out there...think we'll head out and enjoy the sun and warm temperatures and be grateful that I'm only doing one load of laundry today!!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Okay so this is a total "fluff - woe is me - post":) So I'm busting my butt (literally) to lose all of this baby weight...can I still call it that if the Little Miss is over 18months?? Probably not! But anyhow, I'm still working on it...keeping in mind that I did get preggers on our honeymoon (lucky us) and was at my lowest weight in a long time, in honor of our wedding and my beautiful white dress!!
However, when I moved to California, I weighed 3lbs more than I do right now...do my clothes from then fit?! Oh heck no! And I know everyone says that your body changes, blah blah blah, after you have a baby...okay let's look at the facts...my boobs are bigger (lucky me!), my tummy is pouf-ier, my thighs are bigger, my hips are wider...and I'm 3lbs less?!?! I have 9lbs until I'm wedding weight but I guarantee you I probably wouldn't fit or look anywhere like I did on my wedding day. So seriously, where is the "weight savings"?!?!?
Actually, my toes have been looking rather thin lately...maybe the 3lbs difference is there!
Alas, I'm a Personal Trainer and my life is about balance and enjoying life...so while I am making it my mission to lose 6lbs by my 33rd, and love being active (working out is never a "chore" for me), I do enjoy a sweet treat with my latte! But I think due to the fact that I am obsessed about the body, both personally and professionally, I find myself baffled by this situation!!!!!!!
However, when I moved to California, I weighed 3lbs more than I do right now...do my clothes from then fit?! Oh heck no! And I know everyone says that your body changes, blah blah blah, after you have a baby...okay let's look at the facts...my boobs are bigger (lucky me!), my tummy is pouf-ier, my thighs are bigger, my hips are wider...and I'm 3lbs less?!?! I have 9lbs until I'm wedding weight but I guarantee you I probably wouldn't fit or look anywhere like I did on my wedding day. So seriously, where is the "weight savings"?!?!?
Actually, my toes have been looking rather thin lately...maybe the 3lbs difference is there!
Alas, I'm a Personal Trainer and my life is about balance and enjoying life...so while I am making it my mission to lose 6lbs by my 33rd, and love being active (working out is never a "chore" for me), I do enjoy a sweet treat with my latte! But I think due to the fact that I am obsessed about the body, both personally and professionally, I find myself baffled by this situation!!!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Book Club!
Okay I was one of those gals who thought a Book Club was for geeks - yet I always had this little dream of starting my own book club. My dearest friend Dana suggested to me one day (about 6 years - can you believe it Dane??) we should start our own...I almost kissed her on the spot! And so began our Book Club...we would read a book (most of the time finish it...well I'd try at least) and then spend the rest of the meeting gossiping and snacking...we added more and more girls to it and by the end I think we had about 8 members...it was a lot of fun. But then I moved away and had to leave my Book Club behind...DK got preggers then the rest of the girls did the same pretty much...one went away to DC to school...the Club fell apart.
When I came to San Jose, I knew that I had to find a Book Club that was females only and that met on a weekday. Fortunately I stumbled upon one on Meetup.com that started in March 2008 and I joined in April 2008. My first meeting the author of the book we had just finished actually attended! JVK, the organizer, has done SUCH a great job with the club...when books have become movies, she's organized Movie Afternoons...and the best thing - we meet on a Friday during the day at a coffee house and the women that attend are of all ages, all walks of life...I love it! We may not gossip like my club back in Ottawa, but we are good companions and I realized today sitting at the meeting, I really enjoy having these women in my life.
Well this month we read Knit Two by Kate Jacobs (the sequel to Friday Night Knitting Club - which incidentally is becoming a movie with Julia Roberts playing Georgia - FUN). At the meeting today, JVK announces that the author is calling into our Book Club meeting...the big author...our little club?!?! How frickin' cool! So sure enough Kate Jacobs, called in around Noon and we got to ask her questions about the books she's written, ask when she's coming to Northern Cali for us to come to one of her book signings etc...she lets us know that she is sending each of a little label to stick in our book with her autograph and a personal note to us?!?!?
SERIOUSLY???? This is the coolest Book Club ever!
When I came to San Jose, I knew that I had to find a Book Club that was females only and that met on a weekday. Fortunately I stumbled upon one on Meetup.com that started in March 2008 and I joined in April 2008. My first meeting the author of the book we had just finished actually attended! JVK, the organizer, has done SUCH a great job with the club...when books have become movies, she's organized Movie Afternoons...and the best thing - we meet on a Friday during the day at a coffee house and the women that attend are of all ages, all walks of life...I love it! We may not gossip like my club back in Ottawa, but we are good companions and I realized today sitting at the meeting, I really enjoy having these women in my life.
Well this month we read Knit Two by Kate Jacobs (the sequel to Friday Night Knitting Club - which incidentally is becoming a movie with Julia Roberts playing Georgia - FUN). At the meeting today, JVK announces that the author is calling into our Book Club meeting...the big author...our little club?!?! How frickin' cool! So sure enough Kate Jacobs, called in around Noon and we got to ask her questions about the books she's written, ask when she's coming to Northern Cali for us to come to one of her book signings etc...she lets us know that she is sending each of a little label to stick in our book with her autograph and a personal note to us?!?!?
SERIOUSLY???? This is the coolest Book Club ever!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Lucy..or Lulu?

As some of you may know, we found a stray dog last Sunday evening after coming home from Tahoe. And this was no mangy animal...she is a beautiful dachshund puppy. She was running around the park at our apt complex for hours so I was told and after witnessing her almost get run over 4 times, I made it my mission to catch her and find her Mummy/Daddy. After about 20minutes I finally caught her and scooped her up - she was crying and trembling...she's so tiny! So I quickly raced over to the Starbucks to see if anyone reported their dog missing - nothing. We decided to take her in for the evening and then checking with the leasing offices in the morning, expecting to find a frantic message from the owners left on their voicemail.
We nicknamed her Lucy as we felt awful just calling her "dog" or "puppy". Lucy was starving and ate a ton and then crashed out next to our bed...the next morning, we walked over to the Leasing Office...nothing, no one had reported their dog missing. Okay well it's only been a little over 12 hours...so I spend the day walking the little pooch around the community in case her Mummy was running around looking for her, posting photos, etc.
Let's fastforward shall we?? It's been a week - NOTHING. Where the F*** is Lucy's Mummy or Daddy? I've brought her to our vet, no microchip, I've filed reports with three cities around here, posted an ad on Craigslist at the beginning of the week....and nothing.
At the vet I find out she's about 7months old and we are just not ready for a puppy right now. All I have time to give her right now is Love...but unfortunately that's not enough - she needs training, obedience, etc...and with my new business launching and our lives the way they are, we are never home and just cannot give Lucy what she needs.
Everything happens for a reason...a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in months, called to have lunch on Thursday...I told her about Lucy and she sympathized with me...she's got a heart for doggies too. Anyhow, she calls me on Friday night to tell me that she's talked with her hubby...can they adopt Lucy?! CAN THEY?! Oh heck yes...Lucy gets a forever family and I still get to visit with her!
So they came and got her this morning...and my heart broke as Lucy, now called Lulu (full name LuluLamborghini - too cute!) walked out of the door. I just hate that she has to go through the trauma of new people, a new home, etc...I had really hoped to be able to get her back to her family.
Here's hoping those original owners don't call us now for Lulu...not that they deserve her at all...uh, where have you been for a week, while your pup cried at the door waiting for you?? Now, she is much better off with P and J.
I still miss her though (though not her peeing/pooping in the house!)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
How I've Missed this Blog!
It's been such a long time - my apologies! I kind of feel like I've fallen off of the radar in all areas - emails, blog, keeping the house tidy, organization, eating well, etc! Good golly, I have a ton of wagons to "jump back on".
So the business has launched and I seriously couldn't be more in love with what I do! Every morning I wake up wishing I was teaching that day (I only teach Wed/Fri right now). I know I'll regret saying this, as in a few weeks I will have classes almost every day (except weekends). But seriously, I am loving what I'm doing. I really hope it comes through in my classes...this is not just a job for me...it's a passion.
Having said that, a little extra money in the pocket is so fun! And feeling another sense of being - other than being the Little Miss' Mummy - is great too. I love it.
I've also started yoga. Yummy Mummy and The Missus rave about it in their blogs all the time that I started to look for a studio to start my own practice. And then I found Yoga at Cindy's (love it!!) and they offer a newbie special for $40 30 day unlimited. Sweet! I did a class on Thursday evening and it was great. I was very fatigued and ridiculously hungry after the class, but not too sore. I really want to commit to this and I think I will aim for 2-3 classes a week. So here's a question for all of you yogis out there...first off (it's hot yoga by the way) how do I stop myself from slipping and sliding in my own sweat (ick!!) - I felt like by the last 40min, I had such a hard time holding downward dog and any other position that required me to have my hands on the mat - I just kept slipping. Second question, is it okay to do back to back yoga sessions? I know I probably should space out my classes, but I really have to go with what my schedule will allow and in some cases it may be back to back evenings...is that okay? Or is it like strength training where you should be taking a day off in between.
Alrighty, that's enough rambling for now! I know I have a lot to catch up...I'll make up for it over the next week.
So the business has launched and I seriously couldn't be more in love with what I do! Every morning I wake up wishing I was teaching that day (I only teach Wed/Fri right now). I know I'll regret saying this, as in a few weeks I will have classes almost every day (except weekends). But seriously, I am loving what I'm doing. I really hope it comes through in my classes...this is not just a job for me...it's a passion.
Having said that, a little extra money in the pocket is so fun! And feeling another sense of being - other than being the Little Miss' Mummy - is great too. I love it.
I've also started yoga. Yummy Mummy and The Missus rave about it in their blogs all the time that I started to look for a studio to start my own practice. And then I found Yoga at Cindy's (love it!!) and they offer a newbie special for $40 30 day unlimited. Sweet! I did a class on Thursday evening and it was great. I was very fatigued and ridiculously hungry after the class, but not too sore. I really want to commit to this and I think I will aim for 2-3 classes a week. So here's a question for all of you yogis out there...first off (it's hot yoga by the way) how do I stop myself from slipping and sliding in my own sweat (ick!!) - I felt like by the last 40min, I had such a hard time holding downward dog and any other position that required me to have my hands on the mat - I just kept slipping. Second question, is it okay to do back to back yoga sessions? I know I probably should space out my classes, but I really have to go with what my schedule will allow and in some cases it may be back to back evenings...is that okay? Or is it like strength training where you should be taking a day off in between.
Alrighty, that's enough rambling for now! I know I have a lot to catch up...I'll make up for it over the next week.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Okay, I think it's officially the rainiest (word?!?) season we've had since moving to San Jose - this is insane! It's been raining on and off (like 1-2 days/week of no rain) for the last 2 months! Little Miss is totally getting cranky as many of the activities we do during the day are indoor playdates at someone's house, and she is ready to climb the walls...and so is Mummy!
But even more importantly (I can deal with the Little Miss' fussyness for the most part) is the fact that I launch my classes on Wednesday and right now? Rain. No one is going to come out with their little ones in the pouring rain...and I don't even think that's what I fear. I think what I fear is that people actually do come out and I have to do a modified workout in this small room at Sports Basement (that we use for mat work...not a WHOLE workout) and then NO ONE will sign up because the workout will be crap. Ohhhh I'm stressing. And that's stupid I know, since there is nothing I can do about the rain.
Today, I'm organizing my "swag bags" and getting them ready for Wed...maybe I'll through in a few extra somethings and bribe the Mummys....hmmm...a gift cert to a spa?!?! Kidding I really don't have that kind of money to spend!
Well fingers crossed, the rain holds off...it can be as grey as it wants...but please no showers...and Mummys that are signed up to come on Wed, be brave...a little sprinkle never hurt anyone...right?!
But even more importantly (I can deal with the Little Miss' fussyness for the most part) is the fact that I launch my classes on Wednesday and right now? Rain. No one is going to come out with their little ones in the pouring rain...and I don't even think that's what I fear. I think what I fear is that people actually do come out and I have to do a modified workout in this small room at Sports Basement (that we use for mat work...not a WHOLE workout) and then NO ONE will sign up because the workout will be crap. Ohhhh I'm stressing. And that's stupid I know, since there is nothing I can do about the rain.
Today, I'm organizing my "swag bags" and getting them ready for Wed...maybe I'll through in a few extra somethings and bribe the Mummys....hmmm...a gift cert to a spa?!?! Kidding I really don't have that kind of money to spend!
Well fingers crossed, the rain holds off...it can be as grey as it wants...but please no showers...and Mummys that are signed up to come on Wed, be brave...a little sprinkle never hurt anyone...right?!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
One week to go!
Well it's my last week as a FULL TIME SAHM and already I'm sad! There are so many classes and activities that I want to do with the Little Miss and yet most of these take place in the mornings and that is when I will be teaching classes :( Oh well, the sacrifices we make I guess. I've loved saying that I'm a SAHM for the last 17 months and will really miss calling myself that. I really prided myself on that role. But the economy is what it is and it's time for me to make a few bucks out there...I guess I can't really complain. I mean my work involves me pushing the Little Miss around in a stroller and hanging out with other Mums and Dads and their Little Ones...but still, I'm no longer a SAHM and that makes me sad :(
I'm very excited and anxious for my launch next week. I seem to have received a good number of RSVPs to my Grand Opening event...a little lower than I had hoped, but there's still another week and actually the RSVPs aren't my friends, they are actually potential members which is great!! Quality over quantity right??
I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to start making money with the biz...I hope not too long, but I must say the registrations for my classes is very slow...but I'm a Mum and realistic and know that many new Mums can't commit to something that starts in a few days (I have classes starting in one city next week, and another at the end of March) let alone a few weeks!!! Our schedules are so unpredictable and the Little Ones dictate them pretty much 100%. Having said that, it would really increase my confidence if I had a bazillion registrations...okay or 20! heh heh
Anyhow, as I mentioned I'm excited and anxious and am putting all my eggs in my basket that this is going to go well and that I will be a successful Mum-preneur! If not, I know I'm a very successful SAHM - so there's a career always waiting for me on the side!
I'm very excited and anxious for my launch next week. I seem to have received a good number of RSVPs to my Grand Opening event...a little lower than I had hoped, but there's still another week and actually the RSVPs aren't my friends, they are actually potential members which is great!! Quality over quantity right??
I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to start making money with the biz...I hope not too long, but I must say the registrations for my classes is very slow...but I'm a Mum and realistic and know that many new Mums can't commit to something that starts in a few days (I have classes starting in one city next week, and another at the end of March) let alone a few weeks!!! Our schedules are so unpredictable and the Little Ones dictate them pretty much 100%. Having said that, it would really increase my confidence if I had a bazillion registrations...okay or 20! heh heh
Anyhow, as I mentioned I'm excited and anxious and am putting all my eggs in my basket that this is going to go well and that I will be a successful Mum-preneur! If not, I know I'm a very successful SAHM - so there's a career always waiting for me on the side!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Spending Freeze!
18 days and no blogging from me - bad bad bad! I kind of just got caught up with life, this cold and work! It's definitely been a busy few weeks!
Anyhow, inspired by YM (I don't know how to link to your post) and tired of listening to hubby moan and lecture, Ally is on a Spending Freeze. Now I am terrible with spending - I can admit that! Since moving to USA I've cut out all the major spending - clothes, shoes, bags, expensive hair/spa stuff...because I totally recognized that it wasn't fair with me not working and really not needing this stuff! However, since the birth of our daughter, I'm still spending tons - but it's at Target, Babies R Us (now Toys R Us), Costco, places like this...buying silly stuff. Stuff that we mostly "need" but that we could really do without! Groceries after groceries when there is food in the pantry and freezer. So that's it! I'm on a self-imposed Spending Freeze...until March 4 - when my business launches - at which time, I hope to sign many people up the day of my opening and as a result, a little spending reward!!! However I have a few caveats (here we go!!!):
- will need to have my hair done before my biz launches and am going back to Aveda as I cannot handle the half-a$$ job you get at cheaper stylists!
-will need to purchase a few things for my Grand Opening - but I have a budget and it's coming out of my biz account, not our personal acct
-I am allowed Starbucks if and only if, I'm accompanied by someone...if I'm flying solo with the Little Miss, I can easily brew a cup of coffee here
Ugh, now that I've put it in writing I must stick to it...a little scary - I love spending, I think it makes up a part of me...but I also recognize in a time like this (with our economy and no end in sight to the madness) I need to do my part...
Ps I know March 4, is just around the corner - I'm starting small :) My hope is that I can just do one day a month of "need" spending. I think also working every morning will keep me out of the shops...well I hope!
Okay here goes...Day 1 - will update you on my success (and stumbles)!!!
Anyhow, inspired by YM (I don't know how to link to your post) and tired of listening to hubby moan and lecture, Ally is on a Spending Freeze. Now I am terrible with spending - I can admit that! Since moving to USA I've cut out all the major spending - clothes, shoes, bags, expensive hair/spa stuff...because I totally recognized that it wasn't fair with me not working and really not needing this stuff! However, since the birth of our daughter, I'm still spending tons - but it's at Target, Babies R Us (now Toys R Us), Costco, places like this...buying silly stuff. Stuff that we mostly "need" but that we could really do without! Groceries after groceries when there is food in the pantry and freezer. So that's it! I'm on a self-imposed Spending Freeze...until March 4 - when my business launches - at which time, I hope to sign many people up the day of my opening and as a result, a little spending reward!!! However I have a few caveats (here we go!!!):
- will need to have my hair done before my biz launches and am going back to Aveda as I cannot handle the half-a$$ job you get at cheaper stylists!
-will need to purchase a few things for my Grand Opening - but I have a budget and it's coming out of my biz account, not our personal acct
-I am allowed Starbucks if and only if, I'm accompanied by someone...if I'm flying solo with the Little Miss, I can easily brew a cup of coffee here
Ugh, now that I've put it in writing I must stick to it...a little scary - I love spending, I think it makes up a part of me...but I also recognize in a time like this (with our economy and no end in sight to the madness) I need to do my part...
Ps I know March 4, is just around the corner - I'm starting small :) My hope is that I can just do one day a month of "need" spending. I think also working every morning will keep me out of the shops...well I hope!
Okay here goes...Day 1 - will update you on my success (and stumbles)!!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Body Shop!
It had been about 3 years since I'd last been in a Body Shop to purchase something (other than browsing with friends, etc). I'm not sure why I stopped shopping there...I don't think there was any reason in particular...however I've struggled over the last few years finding that perfect Body Wash, that scrub that's not to harsh but does the trick, fabulous smelling hair products...the kind that make you want to sniff your pillow after a cat-nap, etc...
Well Body Shop, you've won me back! I went in last week early in the morning with a girlfriend (started as a playdate for the kids at the mall, ended up with kidlets in stroller and us doing some shopping! heh heh) who is obsessed with Body Shop (oh, AA...I just outted you!!) Anyhow, she wanted to pick up a few things and I just browsed around and walked out of the door with a ton of stuff, for $45 and that included purchasing a new Love Your Body card.
The gal working there was amazing...she entertained our little ones while AA and I bopped around the store smelling products and AA giving me the low down on what is the good stuff (almost everything!!) and what has changed over the last few years. Well, not only did the salesclerk entertain our girls, she gave them all kinds of cool little samples to play with...and then let them keep them for Mummy to play with! LOVE IT!
How I've missed the smell of Satsuma in the morning shower...and there really is nothing more amazing than the smell (or function) of the Brazil Nut hair mask.
Body Shop...I'm yours :)
Well Body Shop, you've won me back! I went in last week early in the morning with a girlfriend (started as a playdate for the kids at the mall, ended up with kidlets in stroller and us doing some shopping! heh heh) who is obsessed with Body Shop (oh, AA...I just outted you!!) Anyhow, she wanted to pick up a few things and I just browsed around and walked out of the door with a ton of stuff, for $45 and that included purchasing a new Love Your Body card.
The gal working there was amazing...she entertained our little ones while AA and I bopped around the store smelling products and AA giving me the low down on what is the good stuff (almost everything!!) and what has changed over the last few years. Well, not only did the salesclerk entertain our girls, she gave them all kinds of cool little samples to play with...and then let them keep them for Mummy to play with! LOVE IT!
How I've missed the smell of Satsuma in the morning shower...and there really is nothing more amazing than the smell (or function) of the Brazil Nut hair mask.
Body Shop...I'm yours :)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I've been tagged!
Thanks for the tag BB! So the deal is, go to your folder where your photos are kept...pick the fourth folder...fourth picture...and then post it and describe...and then tag four others!
Well this photo was taken in Calgary, Alberta, Canada this Christmas at Miss Sadie's GG's (Great-Grandad) house. This is Christmas morning (probably afternoon by this point!!) and the Little Miss has mastered the unwrapping of prezzies! This is a beautiful white bear from GG. Oh how I love the little dress she's wearing - it makes me so sad to know that she won't be able to wear it much longer (and yes I still make her wear it even though it's no longer the holiday season - it's just too darn cute!)
Oh dear...I don't think I can tag anyone - everyone's done it that reads my blog I think...and if you haven't done it and read my blog - stop lurking, say Hi :) heh heh...well alliwilli, if you are updating your blog..tag your it!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tonight I did my first Kickboxing class...aside from my business, this is the single most exciting workout I've done in a really long time!! Within 20minutes, I wanted to be sick...35minutes, I saw stars and 60minutes, couldn't wait until next week for our next class...I only wish it was offered twice a week!
I'm not sure I'll be able to pick up my beautiful baby in the morning...but all for a good cause - becoming a yummy mummy!
The best part is the instructor is from one of the expensive cardio-kickboxing studios down the street and instead of paying top dollars to attend one of his classes...I get it for less than $5 at our fitness center here! Sweet!
I'll be sporting chic purchases from Gilt in no time with this class!
I'm not sure I'll be able to pick up my beautiful baby in the morning...but all for a good cause - becoming a yummy mummy!
The best part is the instructor is from one of the expensive cardio-kickboxing studios down the street and instead of paying top dollars to attend one of his classes...I get it for less than $5 at our fitness center here! Sweet!
I'll be sporting chic purchases from Gilt in no time with this class!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Work Life
So my new work life rocks!
Seriously...today my business attire (I have a meeting with the other Franchise Owner who operates the territory adjacent to me - we are aligning our strategies versus competing with each other - yey!!!) consists of my favorite Lululemon capris and tank...and my brand new wind shirt from Lucy - I love it!
Yes I'm going for a run - that's how we are conducting our meetings...sure it's a little tough to take notes, but that's okay, we will follow up with a coffee if need be!!! I'm so excited. This IS my new career...while I will miss my Advertising and fabulous Fashion days...this is so exciting! A whole new area of Fashion that I've only dabbled in up until recently...workout fashion! heh heh
Plus when I make my fancy purchases from Gilt (thanks YM), they will feel all that more special to me...as they will not become something I wear everyday - and they will not be taken for granted.
Lucy and Lulu, I'm sorry to say, you probably will be taken for granted!
Off for my run, er my meeting (ps did I mention we are pushing our kidlets in the stroller?? Yes the little ones even get to come!!!!!!!!!!!)
Seriously...today my business attire (I have a meeting with the other Franchise Owner who operates the territory adjacent to me - we are aligning our strategies versus competing with each other - yey!!!) consists of my favorite Lululemon capris and tank...and my brand new wind shirt from Lucy - I love it!
Yes I'm going for a run - that's how we are conducting our meetings...sure it's a little tough to take notes, but that's okay, we will follow up with a coffee if need be!!! I'm so excited. This IS my new career...while I will miss my Advertising and fabulous Fashion days...this is so exciting! A whole new area of Fashion that I've only dabbled in up until recently...workout fashion! heh heh
Plus when I make my fancy purchases from Gilt (thanks YM), they will feel all that more special to me...as they will not become something I wear everyday - and they will not be taken for granted.
Lucy and Lulu, I'm sorry to say, you probably will be taken for granted!
Off for my run, er my meeting (ps did I mention we are pushing our kidlets in the stroller?? Yes the little ones even get to come!!!!!!!!!!!)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
CaliAlly, ACE-certified!
That's right! I wrote my ACE Personal Trainer exam this past Saturday and I passed! Weehoo! DONE! And boy am I ever! I'm exhausted still and it's Sunday evening! My girlfriend babysat Sadie for me on Friday morning so I could do some last minute reviewing and when she dropped Sadie off, she took one look at me and told me I look exhausted and sooo tired...aka crap!!! heh heh And I was, and still am! As I sat studying my flash cards on Friday night I thought to myself...if I only had one more week...and then I thought Who am I kidding? I'm so done and so fed up of this material...I can't do this anymore. Hours every single day, long study sessions on the weekends...and keeping my exam date a secret from everyone because I was so worried I wouldn't pass!
But I'm done now...I don't feel guilty updating my blog - don't feel like I should be studying instead. I enjoyed a long walk with the fam (doggy included) this afternoon, complete with hot chocolate...and thought to myself, I've missed you Ws...so much! xo
So now one more exam and I'm certified to teach my classes...which couldn't come at a better time considering I launch the business on March 4. So my goal is to see if I can hammer out this last exam - specialty in Prenatal and Postnatal - this week and be done by Feb 1 and spend the month of February gearing up for a fabulous Grand Opening and first session...and oh yeah, learning more about this franchise that I purchased.
But for now...I'm going to watch some no-brainer TV and when I go to bed and my head hits my pillow, there will only be a million things running through my head - nothing Anatomy/Biomechanics/ACE related :D
xo CaliAlly
But I'm done now...I don't feel guilty updating my blog - don't feel like I should be studying instead. I enjoyed a long walk with the fam (doggy included) this afternoon, complete with hot chocolate...and thought to myself, I've missed you Ws...so much! xo
So now one more exam and I'm certified to teach my classes...which couldn't come at a better time considering I launch the business on March 4. So my goal is to see if I can hammer out this last exam - specialty in Prenatal and Postnatal - this week and be done by Feb 1 and spend the month of February gearing up for a fabulous Grand Opening and first session...and oh yeah, learning more about this franchise that I purchased.
But for now...I'm going to watch some no-brainer TV and when I go to bed and my head hits my pillow, there will only be a million things running through my head - nothing Anatomy/Biomechanics/ACE related :D
xo CaliAlly
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My heart...
Right after my love for my family (Diesel included), is my love for handbags...not any handbags...but Coach bags - I love them. I love their classic look, their functionality, their colors, their hardware, their quality...their look, feel, even their smell - no haven't tasted them yet!!!
And with the fabulous weather we are having, it's very hard not to get too excited about Spring!
Meet Penelope

And Peyton

How I love you both...who wants to come home with me?! (Dear hubby, my birthday is coming up you know?!?!)
And with the fabulous weather we are having, it's very hard not to get too excited about Spring!
Meet Penelope

And Peyton

How I love you both...who wants to come home with me?! (Dear hubby, my birthday is coming up you know?!?!)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Should Have!
Should have gone to that hotel afterall!!! Sadie was up all night other than between 12-5:30 on and off crying (not sure what is going on there :( boo) and didn't see hubby from about 4:30pm onwards until this morning - he is feeling better though - which is great. I've been carrying around hand sanitizer and after touching everything have applied a liberal amt - I DO NOT want to get sick!
But I'm tired and didn't get any studying done last night or this morning...time to put the coffee on!
But I'm tired and didn't get any studying done last night or this morning...time to put the coffee on!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Would It Be So Wrong??
Miss S got the tummy flu on Friday night and it looks like hubby has it now! He and I are both cleansing like mad-woman/man now but I think it might be a little late for him - fortunately I have been yet to be hit by the bug, as I have spent most of the weekend in our apt complex's business center studying my butt off! Thank goodness, because that's 6 chapters that I covered this weekend that wouldn't have been done if I was ill in bed...so I'm very grateful for hubby watching Miss Sadie and getting sick in the process!
But...would it be so wrong?? I allowed myself to fantasize during one of my study-breaks! Since everyone is sick right now and I'm trying so hard to study like crazy, what if I were to check into a hotel...for one night only - would it be so wrong?!
I'd check in now - nowhere fancy! The new Hotel Sierra down the street would be fine. I'd settle in and start studying, all while sipping deliciously brewed-in-room coffee. Around 7pm or so, I'd order up room service (hey I wouldn't have to cleanse, I'd be down the street from the germs!), get into my cozy Lulu sweats and tshirt - turn up the heat to make it nice and warm, climb into bed and enjoy "dinner in bed" while watching a chick-flick movie on that I ordered. I'd climb out of bed after the movie, hop into the bathtub and enjoy a soak...and oh what a soak it would be - with bubble bath, a magazine, music playing, and just take my time until the water got cold! I'd get into my cozy pjs - not the pretty ones, not the sexy ones but the cozy ones and climb into bed, after giving myself an at-home facial, manicure and pedicure...while sipping a Chamomile Tea, I'd turn on the telly and watch a show or two, until I fell asleep in the comfy bed with the amazingly warm and heavy comforter. In the morning I'd wake up and study for a bit...hop into the shower, deep condition my hair, style it and call room service to bring up breakfast. While I dined on my eggs and fruit salad and sipped my coffee, I'd review my notes and flash cards...keep studying until check out and happily hop in my SUV and head home...
...oh how that would be lovely! Of course I'd miss my hubby and little girl...but I've been missing my "Me-time" for a long time now!!
Instead this is how our night will go...
It's almost 5pm now, I'll study until 5:30pm (quality studying I tell ya - a whole 30min!) then I'll prepare dinner for Sadie. I'll wake her up (she's napping like crazy trying to catch up on the sleep she missed on Friday night) and wake up hubby from his sick-room (aka our master bedroom!). We'll cleanse while Sadie eats...we'll play for a bit until bath-time, which I assume I'll do since hubs isn't well. Get Sadie ready for bed and into the crib by 7:30pm. I'll then race to the business center and study until 9pm...run home, grab my cookbooks and shopping list and calendar and do our meal-plan in front of Desperate Housewives until Sadie will wake up around 9:30 crying. I'll go in and rock her until about 10:15pm, then crash on the couch or in bed (depending on the "sick-ick" factor going on in our master). I'll hopefully not wake up (do you hear that wish, Sadie?!?) until around 6am and start studying, with a nice cup of coffee and then Sadie will wake around 8:00am and we'll begin our day - diaper changes, meal preps and eats, playing and playdates, etc...
Yes I don't get a lot of studying in, I don't get a lot of "me-time" in...but I get a lot of cuddles, a lot of smiles, a lot of "Mummas" and I wouldn't change that for the world!
...but really guys and girls, would it be so wrong?!
But...would it be so wrong?? I allowed myself to fantasize during one of my study-breaks! Since everyone is sick right now and I'm trying so hard to study like crazy, what if I were to check into a hotel...for one night only - would it be so wrong?!
I'd check in now - nowhere fancy! The new Hotel Sierra down the street would be fine. I'd settle in and start studying, all while sipping deliciously brewed-in-room coffee. Around 7pm or so, I'd order up room service (hey I wouldn't have to cleanse, I'd be down the street from the germs!), get into my cozy Lulu sweats and tshirt - turn up the heat to make it nice and warm, climb into bed and enjoy "dinner in bed" while watching a chick-flick movie on that I ordered. I'd climb out of bed after the movie, hop into the bathtub and enjoy a soak...and oh what a soak it would be - with bubble bath, a magazine, music playing, and just take my time until the water got cold! I'd get into my cozy pjs - not the pretty ones, not the sexy ones but the cozy ones and climb into bed, after giving myself an at-home facial, manicure and pedicure...while sipping a Chamomile Tea, I'd turn on the telly and watch a show or two, until I fell asleep in the comfy bed with the amazingly warm and heavy comforter. In the morning I'd wake up and study for a bit...hop into the shower, deep condition my hair, style it and call room service to bring up breakfast. While I dined on my eggs and fruit salad and sipped my coffee, I'd review my notes and flash cards...keep studying until check out and happily hop in my SUV and head home...
...oh how that would be lovely! Of course I'd miss my hubby and little girl...but I've been missing my "Me-time" for a long time now!!
Instead this is how our night will go...
It's almost 5pm now, I'll study until 5:30pm (quality studying I tell ya - a whole 30min!) then I'll prepare dinner for Sadie. I'll wake her up (she's napping like crazy trying to catch up on the sleep she missed on Friday night) and wake up hubby from his sick-room (aka our master bedroom!). We'll cleanse while Sadie eats...we'll play for a bit until bath-time, which I assume I'll do since hubs isn't well. Get Sadie ready for bed and into the crib by 7:30pm. I'll then race to the business center and study until 9pm...run home, grab my cookbooks and shopping list and calendar and do our meal-plan in front of Desperate Housewives until Sadie will wake up around 9:30 crying. I'll go in and rock her until about 10:15pm, then crash on the couch or in bed (depending on the "sick-ick" factor going on in our master). I'll hopefully not wake up (do you hear that wish, Sadie?!?) until around 6am and start studying, with a nice cup of coffee and then Sadie will wake around 8:00am and we'll begin our day - diaper changes, meal preps and eats, playing and playdates, etc...
Yes I don't get a lot of studying in, I don't get a lot of "me-time" in...but I get a lot of cuddles, a lot of smiles, a lot of "Mummas" and I wouldn't change that for the world!
...but really guys and girls, would it be so wrong?!
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