Monday, June 29, 2009

The stress of the spa!

I'm off for a pedi at the spa with some girlfriends tonight to celebrate a belated birthday/early going-away of a friend! So of course, as always, I find myself a few hours away, stressing about what color to get on my toesies!

Seriously, does anyone else go through this?? I wish I was that girl, that always gets the same my Mum...summertime? She's always red...winter? a pretty pink...I always want to do something fun and then once I think I know what I want to do, I start to wonder....hmmm...I wonder what is "in season" right now. I don't get pedis very often, so if I'm going to get one, I want to make it a goody and get a nice color that not only suits my toes but they is in style!

Alrighty, off to consult my magazines! But wait, I don't even know what brand this spa carries...oh the stresses of the spa I tell you :)

Wishing everyone an opportunity to have this same stress this week!!!!


  1. only you could get stressed about nail polish! I miss you!

  2. I used to stick to reds and pinks but I have more fun when I pick green, yellow or orange. It perks me up to look down and see such a fun color looking back at me!

  3. I like light colors from Essie, like no pre nup, adoraball, and ballet slippers. Have a blast!


  4. Im a fly by the seat of my pants girl - just pick what looks good on the day - but it nearly always ends up being a shade of pink!
