Thursday, June 18, 2009

Preschool...kind of like Private School!

Oooo squee I'm so excited! We just found out Sadie has a spot at a Preschool that I thought was not going to happen....okay history:

- a friend of mine told me about this Parent-participation Preschool in the beginning of May. She's a teacher and has very high standards for Preschools and was telling me all about it and I completely fell in love with the philosophy of the school...not so much for my soon-to-be two year old, but more for when she's 3 and 4...but as we know, you gotta get them in at 2 to secure a space for when they are older...anyhow, loved the sound of this preschool...until she told me, oh the application deadline was early February....for September?!!? Are you kidding me?? Who knew! So I raced home, looked up the site and confirmed what friend had told really looked wonderful! I called them up and they also confirmed what friend had told me - deadline was February and classes were full. Bummer :( I kind of gave up on looking for Preschools after that

And yes my friends...everything happens for a forward to yesterday.

- same friend emails my Mums Group, that they have 4 spots open at the Preschool as they've decided to increase the class size. As quickly as I could dial, I had left a message on their voicemail...very civil and very parent-like I might add - although all I wanted to say was "Pick Little Miss!!!" Well we found out this morning, a spot has been set aside for her and quicker than quick I had the application filled and the Registration Fee check written out!


I called my Mum immediately and squeeled to her as she explained to me this is how excited she was when I got into private high school...although I did have to sit an Entrance Exam...all Sadie had to do was promise to turn 2 in September and have her Mummy dial the Preschool's number quickly.

Yes folks...preschool in California...may as well be the same process as Private School in Montreal! But at least I know my wee one will be in a great preschool program leading up to Kindergarten!

Okay, many days away?!?



  1. We were just talking about this the other day as we will have to line up at the beginning of next year to get Ollie in for the following year. Its just crazy the lengths we have to go to to get our babies the education we want them to have isn't it.

  2. I know how crazy it is out there! Congrats to you all. It will be amazing what they learn! In the end it is so worth it if they are at a safe place they love!


  3. Good grief! It's like that book you leant me! 'The Ivy Chronicles'!!! ha! Congrats to your little budding genius :)
