Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One Hundred Pushup Challenge

Okay who's in?!

I think it would be so cool to be able to do 100 "full" push ups...not to mention what my shoulders, chest and arms would look like - woowee!

So I'll set up a little tracker on the side bar and you can follow me :)

Anyone else interested?? http://hundredpushups.com - let me know if you are going to do it, I'd love to have a buddy!

Just did the first workout and arms are a little shakey but good - bring on Day 2!



  1. Catch me post December and Ill be in for a sit up challenge!!

    lots of luck though I will watch your progress with anticipation and awe - I have never been very good at pushups.

  2. Hi Ally, Found you over on Polly's blog...I'm on her blog roll. I'm TOTALLY in for the 100push up challenge! I am getting back in shape (in earnest - my twins are 4 now so I have NO excuse!) and started seriously practicing yoga this year when I tweaked my left hip last year running 2 halfs...part of my studio practice includes 3x/week of "sculpt yoga which includes about 60 pushups. I'd love to kick that up to 100. I'm in with you!
    BTW, Since starting yoga (vinyasa/ashtanga), i can totally see the difference - i KNOW the push ups are helping tone my arms! good luck and keep me apprised of your progress!

    CRigg (Clarissa)
