Thursday, June 25, 2009

I wasn't kidding...

....when I said Preschool in Cali is tough to get into!!! Which also ties into the very good reason I have for not blogging recently.

Friday after teaching class, a girlfriend and I drove over to the preschool to drop off our registration form and fee (of course not being able to trust the postman!!). Since A was driving I thought it would be best for me to run the envelopes into the I hopped out of the car and ran up to one side of the school...nope no mailbox, but a friendly woman said she wasn't sure but thought there was a mailbox on the other side...PERFECT!

As I look out to the street to point to A that I'm going around the back of the building (and to meet me in the parking lot)...I think I see the Little Miss screaming (at least her mouth was open and she had her face scrunched!) I ran like I've never run before...sprinting around the building, through the parking lot...and wait, what's happening, I'm not on the ground it's like I'm flying and then OUF! and sliding...

Yes folks, that was me running through the parking lot, tripping over a curb I did not see AT ALL, and flying through the air and proceeding to slide along the pavement! The result?? Road burn from my knees up to one of my elbows, cut up knuckles..but wait the best part (or worse if I'm feeling guilty!!)? the Little Miss' application is girlfriend A's? well it broke part of my fall and I guess the envelope and check tore on the pavement and gravel.

I should take pictures (although 6 days later, it doesn't look anywhere near as bad) and show my Daughter at her university graduation, just how her education started....yes Preschool Admittance IS Competitive!

Back in action and healing nicely,

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, you poor thing. Glad to hear that you are healing ok, and yes definitely take a picture so your little girl can see what you put yourself through!
