Monday, November 23, 2009

All I want for Christmas... "I HAVE NO IDEA!"

This could be the biggest stress of the holiday season - Christmas prezzies...what to give and what to "wish" for! I swear it was so much easier when you were a Barbie, Cabbage Patch Kid, cool new puzzle or board game, pretty dress....yes it was a lot easier when I was a child.

And yet I find myself sitting here trying to figure out what to get the Little Miss - and coming up with not a whole lot...I just don't feel she "needs" anything right now nor do we have the space to store any more toys! Hmmm...time to have more playdates and see what toys of her little friends she fights over! I guess it's also time to put away some of those baby-toys that she really doesn't use or want anymore...into the bin for Number 2!

Okay now this blog is about back to me :) heh heh What do I want for Christmas?? My dad has asked, my hubby has asked and it's just a matter of time before I receive my "Dear Alison....I need your wishlist. Love your sister" email! And I'm stuck...I thought about this on Saturday for a bit and then finally announced to hubby...."Babe, I know what I want for Christmas"...he immediately stops what he's doing and turns to me, all ears (I think he's finally realized that Christmas prezzie of 2003 really didn't say "Love ya" - granted I was training for some runs, but still!!!!) "What Hun?" my answer? "Time".

Seriously...I don't need clothes, books, toys, spa stuff...I need time to myself to enjoy all of those wonderful things that I received last year! Time to use the gift cards to go shopping, book myself into that spa afternoon that is burning a hole in my wallet, time to read those books...yes I need time. Unfortunately, I do not see my Dad, my Love, my sister or anyone else being able to give me that gift this year...

Perplexed, Hubby says to me "How about a Kindle?" Okay! Cool...a Kindle is a close second! What are you wishing for this Christmas??


Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas?!?!

PLEASE!!!! I wonder what the odds are of a White Christmas in Santa Cruz, CA (where we are spending the holidays this year). I'm guessing my Mum and sister who are leaving the Great White North (Ottawa, Canada!!!) to visit us, probably wouldn't appreciate the white stuff! But I know Family Wortman would.

This will be our first year without snow for Christmas...okay truth be told that there have been some Christmases back home with barely any snow, but still, it's cold and cozy and snow is bound to arrive in a day or two! This year we spend the Holidays in Cali...we decided when we got married, we would rotate...Ottawa, Calgary (hubby's fam), Cali (and whoever wants to visit can!).

But it's tough getting ready for Christmas when it's 18celsius outside and the sun is shining and putting on a jacket means tossing a cardigan over your shoulders! So over the last week, I've found an all-Christmas, all-the-time radio station and it's now programmed in our car, in our house, etc! And then the Little Miss and I hit up the $1 section of Target to find some decorations and start putting a few things up around the house!

So I ask those that have spent many a green Christmas - how do you get into the spirit with no snow??

ps I know that I'm not supposed to get excited about Christmas until this Friday, after Thanksgiving, but what can I say...I celebrated Thanksgiving as a Canadian for 30 years and we celebrate it in October...anytime after mid-November in my mind, is the perfect time to get ready for my FAVE holiday!

"Santa Claus is coming to town..." - ooo I love this version!! Sorry side-tracked by the radio!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"You Showered!"

For the last couple of months, I'll admit it, I kind of let myself go!! Fitness-wise of course not...but just in my appearances! I've been teaching 5-6 Baby Boot Camp classes per week, attending playdates, etc...really the only days I actually did something with my hair and face was on Saturday - and only if I knew we had something fun happening that weekend!! Sure I'd take showers - p-u, can I remind you I teach Boot Camp classes?!?! But I would basically get out and tie my hair back in a bun and toss on a ball cap...when I'd go to playdates, most cases, I'd still be in the attire I just finished working out in!

But the buck stops here!!!! No more of that...why the sudden change of heart?? A friend of mine has said to me in the last week about three times, you look so pretty - did you shower?!?!!? NO, I just had some free time and a lot of birthday parties, Halloween parties, so I took the time to do something with myself!

Now going forward, I will not be the girl with the blown out hair, the layers of, if you know me, you know that is SO NOT ME!!! But I will make a little more effort to look a bit more presentable....workout attire is for working out...tied back hair soaking wet is for bed! Etc...if I have to run errands or head to a playdate right after teaching class, why not bring a different top to change into??

So that's that, I'm off to find a few basic pieces - once I make my way through my closet and see exactly what I own!!

And yes I look pretty today...I showered last night :)


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Early - so early

I love being awake in the mornings...I guess I would be a morning person! Until I started working and have a two year old! Now I need as much sleep as I can get....and oh the frustration of the Time Change! I'm fortunate enough that it hasn't affected the Little Miss really - she's a little more cranky, but still sleeping in until almost 8am and going to bed around 8pm...I however, am DYING!!!!

Last night? In bed by 8:30pm!!! This morning, up at 5:15am?!!!??! This is not good! Especially since I have today off and will need to entertain and be a "Mummy" all day! When will the body adjust??

I have two nights out this week - Mums Night Out and a work meeting that will force me to stay awake until at least 10pm...hoping that will help force some sleep in the morning...hopefully?!?!!?
