Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thank Goodness for Mums!

I'm still struggling with jetlag and coming down off of a crazy month of July! I find myself going to bed at 10:30 EST but still waking up at 6;30 PST (which is actually 9:30 EST)...I hate not having the mornings to myself...the Little Miss seems to be adjusting better a bit quicker than me and is up at 9:35! That gives me 5min to get myself sorted, wake up and get ready for our day! EEK!

Oh and did I mention there is no caffeine in this house?! KILL ME NOW! I'm down to one or two cups of caff coffee a day but I NEED them in the morning!

Anyhow, fast forward to Noon, I'm exhausted, de-caff, and have a clingy, needy almost-two-year old clung to my leg and I have no Daddy to pass her to, no playdate to attend, or little friends for her to play's almost a recipe for disaster...

...until my Mum walks in, takes one look at me - still in pjs, exhausted and losing patience and says "Why don't I take her for a walk"...I say "It's okay, I'll go for a stroll with her, you have tons to do" and she replies with "I have nothing that needs to get done right need to read your magazine and enjoy a cup of tea."

Thank goodness for Mums - Little Miss, I promise to do the same thing for you in 30 years.



  1. I noticed on your blog that you mentioned you wanted to read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I read it a while back and loved it. Would absolutely suggest it!

  2. Yay for your mum, aren't they just a godsend.

  3. polly - they really are...they come in right at the perfect time!

    KT - great thanks for the recommendation - I will pick it up this weekend :) YEY!

  4. Ahhhhhh nothing is better than grandparents!!! Sit back and enjoy!

