Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hanging in Ottawa, eh?!

Well here we are...hanging out in the Nation's Capital...that is the Little Miss and I! Unfortunately hubby's visa extension never came in and so we find ourselves Daddy-less for 3 1/2 weeks! Yes almost a month. It will be killer on both of us, but oh can I tell you how excited I am to escape the "real world" for a while??

We flew in on Thursday and fortunately for both Little Miss and I, the flights were fairly uneventful. I tried everyone's suggestions - coloring books, DVD player and "shows" (as the Little Miss calls them), snacks, and really nothing pleased her but at least she wasn't crying or screaming. Instead I basically had the entire carry-on unpacked in our tiny space (Little Miss was a lap child)...I have no idea what we left behind - obviously nothing important (other than a little white sock, I think!)

Night 1, Little Miss went down around 1:30am after a midnight snack (literally) and she slept until I woke her at 10:30 am and I've been able to get her on routine! She's a bit cranky and clingy but otherwise all is good!

WAIT! Isn't this blog about Ally?!?! Oh right! Okay so I'm enjoying hanging out with my Mum, sister and aunt from UK (flew out for a few days just to meet Sadie - so fun), sleeping in as much as I can, reading books (will post lots of reviews I'm sure!) and enjoying many cups of decaf coffee and tea! YUM! Hung out with Poppa this morning and enjoyed riding around in a "borrowed" Jetta - what a great car...hmm, hubby, is it time for a new car, yet?

After breakfast out and a trip to Toys R Us, the Little Miss was DONE!

Okay this may be the most boring blog...but for my friends back in San Jose, it will serve as "checking in" and not writing a million emails ;)

Back to my book...stay tuned for a review...this one is flying :)



  1. Cannot wait to read your review Ally. Glad to hear you are having a fun holiday too.
    How great are the Jetta's but before you go buying yourself a new one make sure you drive a Passat first - my inlaws just traded their Jetta for a Passat and we have one too - lovely lovely cars.
    BTW there is no way your blog is boring, I love it!

  2. It takes a little while for them to get used to the change of routine uh? Give a hug to your mom for me! We miss you!
