Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Move from Hell!

Back online...but without a couch and tv :( They are both in the garage...why you ask?? Well the couch doesn't fit through the door and our tv is SO old-school it takes 4 bodybuilders to lift it...so the creation of the "Man Room" begins...or so hubby thinks! heh heh

Seriously, other than those two things and now living in chaos and being tired, the move did go well...it was quick and rather painless (says the one who didn't do much heavy lifting!!). I do however understand that when "they" say Moving is one of the biggest traumas a person goes through I believe it...Little Miss is all out of sorts, Diesel dog runs around whimpering because he cannot find a good place to chill out (dude, you and me both...where's our couch?!!?!) but it's building character...right?!?!

Oh and add to the mix, the Little Miss and I leave hubby next week for three weeks as we fly up to Canada...sorry hubs, guess you'll have lots to keep you busy though, right?? Oh and did I mention said flight is about 6 1/2 hours and I'm going to be doing it with an almost-2 year old on my lap?? Don't get me started!!!!!

Sorry for the negativity! But now that I've dumped it, I will get a cup of joe and start my day fresh...right after I trip over this damn drawer in the middle of the room...HUBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Moving is just the pits isn't it. Hope your Hubby manages to get things sorted while you are away.

    So does this mean you get a new couch?

  2. I so hope not Polly...I absolutely love our couch - we just bought it before we got married in 2006 and I'm definitely NOT done with it! :)
