Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm dreaming of a ...

...well if you know me well, you are probably expecting me to talk about how much I can't wait for Christmas...it is less than 6months away, you know! But what I'm really dreaming of is a ... holiday!

And not the kind of holiday I have coming up in August where we go home and visit family and friends...I mean a holiday where we go to new places and speak a new language...maybe hang out on a beach! Yes that kind of holiday. I think I feel like I need to re-charge my batteries and of course living so far from our family, usually means that vacation time is taken up by visiting with them and not somewhere different!

Pre-California, we went hiking & camping to different parks...Varadero, Cuba...Cartagena, Columbia...yes some fun and exciting places! I miss that...

But I am also incredibly excited to get hugs from my family and a cup of coffee with a few of my precious girls back home...so instead of whining about needing a holiday and some change, I will make it my mission to do lots of touristy stuff while back in Ottawa...I bet there's a ton that has changed and MANY MANY things I've never done or places I've never been or sights I've never seen.

Hmm...off to browse the ottawatourism.ca web site...and yes for all you O-town peeps, I did work on this web site when I was in advertising, and no I still didn't visit any of these new "activities or places"!!


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about needing a holiday and we always end up staying with friends - this time I have specified no friends and we are actually going to stay at an actual holiday type place with not a friend or family in sight.
