Friday, May 22, 2009

Doozy of a week & a little Spaahhh!

It's been a doozy of a week...but the good thing is it's Friday...I'm getting ready to teach my last Baby Boot Camp class of the week and it's a long weekend! Oh and did I mention I'm off to the Spaaaahhhh this weekend?! WEEEHOOO sooo what this Mummy needs!

If you are following me on Facebook, then you know that the Little Miss "hates" her father right now...and so I essentially feel like a Single Mum with a Husband...and no support. By the way, that's a Single SAHM with a Franchise on the side with a Husband. So this weekend comes at the perfect time. We've realized with the Little Miss that if I leave her she's okay, but she will not leave me to go out with her dad without screaming and crying - and it's not a tantrum cry/ it's a desperate plea for help, that normally ends up with both hubby and I in tears as well. It's been horrible. But hopefully a good long weekend, re-charging the batteries and a positive attitude will be the cure for us.

Oh and did I mention the SPA?!! heh heh I have very overdue gift cards to INSPA that I must put to use...I'm thinking a 60min massage and a 60min facial. I've only ever had one facial in my life two months before my wedding (and thank goodness I gave that much time in between) - it was horrible, I was physically scarred on my face for a few weeks and there was nothing pleasant about it. In fact, I walked out and immediately went in search for Advil to relieve the pain! However, I hear from the lovely YummyMummys in my life that this is not necessary. Facials can be a wonderful I will try again...but please no picking unless I say I'm ready for picking and if we do some picking, can we try and leave the skin on my face?!

Well here's to a great long weekend, lots of BBQ, time in the sun (with sunscreen of course) and a happy little's going to be a great one!



  1. Oh no a bad facial experience, how can that be?
    I hope this one is wonderful.

  2. Hey Ally - I left an award for you at my blog.
