Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One week to go!

Well it's my last week as a FULL TIME SAHM and already I'm sad! There are so many classes and activities that I want to do with the Little Miss and yet most of these take place in the mornings and that is when I will be teaching classes :( Oh well, the sacrifices we make I guess. I've loved saying that I'm a SAHM for the last 17 months and will really miss calling myself that. I really prided myself on that role. But the economy is what it is and it's time for me to make a few bucks out there...I guess I can't really complain. I mean my work involves me pushing the Little Miss around in a stroller and hanging out with other Mums and Dads and their Little Ones...but still, I'm no longer a SAHM and that makes me sad :(

I'm very excited and anxious for my launch next week. I seem to have received a good number of RSVPs to my Grand Opening event...a little lower than I had hoped, but there's still another week and actually the RSVPs aren't my friends, they are actually potential members which is great!! Quality over quantity right??

I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to start making money with the biz...I hope not too long, but I must say the registrations for my classes is very slow...but I'm a Mum and realistic and know that many new Mums can't commit to something that starts in a few days (I have classes starting in one city next week, and another at the end of March) let alone a few weeks!!! Our schedules are so unpredictable and the Little Ones dictate them pretty much 100%. Having said that, it would really increase my confidence if I had a bazillion registrations...okay or 20! heh heh

Anyhow, as I mentioned I'm excited and anxious and am putting all my eggs in my basket that this is going to go well and that I will be a successful Mum-preneur! If not, I know I'm a very successful SAHM - so there's a career always waiting for me on the side!



  1. Aww, I know, you can call yourself a SAHM with an income! ha! I mean, you'll still be with little Sades, but you'll just be pushing her in a stroller while you teach... and hey, you were doing that as a member of SP anyways, right? :) It'll be GREAT, Ally... I'm SO excited for you and wish I was out there still to come out and support you! MUUAH!

  2. I think it's the perfect SAHM job!! Good luck with your opening. I wish I loved their so I could join your group!!


  3. I'm very excited about your opening! Can't you tell? jajaja. It's going to go great, I can feel it. And I also think you can still call yourself a SAHM, or better yet call yourself a Super Mom with all the things you do. :)
