Friday, February 20, 2009

Spending Freeze!

18 days and no blogging from me - bad bad bad! I kind of just got caught up with life, this cold and work! It's definitely been a busy few weeks!

Anyhow, inspired by YM (I don't know how to link to your post) and tired of listening to hubby moan and lecture, Ally is on a Spending Freeze. Now I am terrible with spending - I can admit that! Since moving to USA I've cut out all the major spending - clothes, shoes, bags, expensive hair/spa stuff...because I totally recognized that it wasn't fair with me not working and really not needing this stuff! However, since the birth of our daughter, I'm still spending tons - but it's at Target, Babies R Us (now Toys R Us), Costco, places like this...buying silly stuff. Stuff that we mostly "need" but that we could really do without! Groceries after groceries when there is food in the pantry and freezer. So that's it! I'm on a self-imposed Spending Freeze...until March 4 - when my business launches - at which time, I hope to sign many people up the day of my opening and as a result, a little spending reward!!! However I have a few caveats (here we go!!!):
- will need to have my hair done before my biz launches and am going back to Aveda as I cannot handle the half-a$$ job you get at cheaper stylists!
-will need to purchase a few things for my Grand Opening - but I have a budget and it's coming out of my biz account, not our personal acct
-I am allowed Starbucks if and only if, I'm accompanied by someone...if I'm flying solo with the Little Miss, I can easily brew a cup of coffee here

Ugh, now that I've put it in writing I must stick to it...a little scary - I love spending, I think it makes up a part of me...but I also recognize in a time like this (with our economy and no end in sight to the madness) I need to do my part...

Ps I know March 4, is just around the corner - I'm starting small :) My hope is that I can just do one day a month of "need" spending. I think also working every morning will keep me out of the shops...well I hope!

Okay here goes...Day 1 - will update you on my success (and stumbles)!!!



  1. You can do it!!! Believe me, if anyone can I can! Except the Starbuck sthat is.....must have Starbucks!!!!! Good Luck!


  2. I meant if I can anyone can!!! Thats what you get for typing with an 18month old crawling all over you!

  3. So it is Friday 27 and I can attest to your goodness. Go A! We still need to figure out my drink for Starbucks :(
