Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Work Life

So my new work life rocks!

Seriously...today my business attire (I have a meeting with the other Franchise Owner who operates the territory adjacent to me - we are aligning our strategies versus competing with each other - yey!!!) consists of my favorite Lululemon capris and tank...and my brand new wind shirt from Lucy - I love it!

Yes I'm going for a run - that's how we are conducting our meetings...sure it's a little tough to take notes, but that's okay, we will follow up with a coffee if need be!!! I'm so excited. This IS my new career...while I will miss my Advertising and fabulous Fashion days...this is so exciting! A whole new area of Fashion that I've only dabbled in up until recently...workout fashion! heh heh

Plus when I make my fancy purchases from Gilt (thanks YM), they will feel all that more special to me...as they will not become something I wear everyday - and they will not be taken for granted.

Lucy and Lulu, I'm sorry to say, you probably will be taken for granted!

Off for my run, er my meeting (ps did I mention we are pushing our kidlets in the stroller?? Yes the little ones even get to come!!!!!!!!!!!)



  1. OMG I'm so friggin jealous! Wow, what a career. I'm desperately jealous. I think it's one of my top three careers... personal training or something along those lines, realty, or B&B Owner... a "green" B&B, that is. That's my new fave... but wow, I'm so excited for you! This is fantastic! You're an inspiration! GO ALLY!!!

  2. I live in Lulu!!! Sounds like a great job!!!
