Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Tonight I did my first Kickboxing class...aside from my business, this is the single most exciting workout I've done in a really long time!! Within 20minutes, I wanted to be sick...35minutes, I saw stars and 60minutes, couldn't wait until next week for our next class...I only wish it was offered twice a week!

I'm not sure I'll be able to pick up my beautiful baby in the morning...but all for a good cause - becoming a yummy mummy!

The best part is the instructor is from one of the expensive cardio-kickboxing studios down the street and instead of paying top dollars to attend one of his classes...I get it for less than $5 at our fitness center here! Sweet!

I'll be sporting chic purchases from Gilt in no time with this class!



  1. OMG I use to love kickboxing. I truly believe this is how I got back my post baby bod. There really is nothing like it. Plus every week it gets a little easier but stays just as intense! kick some butt!

  2. Thanks so much for saying it gets's really tough!!! And I never really realized just how uncoordinated I am!!!! Yey...bring on the pre-baby weight in no time...I hope!
