Monday, April 13, 2009

Where's CaliAlly?

Wondering why you didn't hear from me last week??? Because that little upset tummy the Little Miss had WAS the Stomach Flu and her and I traded it back and forth for about four days. Miserable!

I was in the worse mood ever last week...I felt terrible all week, the apt was mess, the Little Miss felt terrible, it rained, I had poor attendance in all of my classes (even had to cancel one)...ugh it was just a bad week!

However, we had a fantastic Easter weekend (I never really was a big Easter fan...I'm loving it now! I love re-discovering all of the holidays for and through my daughter's eyes!), the sun is shining and will all week and it's just going to get warmer everyday this week...and...wait for it...

my Mum arrives next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEHOOOOO I haven't seen her since her last visit out here for the Little Miss' 1st Birthday back in September...and I miss her for 9 days it will be my Mum, the Little Miss and I running around tearing up the Bay Area...oh and the Hubby will join for occasional jaunts!

Speaking of Hubby, he's demanding that we ask my Mum to babysit one night and go out for a proper date...not this eating dinner at 9pm because we want to make sure Little Miss goes down...he's talking about going out for dinner around 7 and then seeing a movie...I hope my Mum is up for it...I mean Hey, it is my Birthday, right?!!?


  1. glad you and S are feeling better - and glad you had a good Easter - so much fun with kids isn't it

    miss you

  2. Easter was soo much fun, glad we left last week behind though. Mine was not fun either :s.Yey, I can't believe next week you mom is coming, I'm soo happy for you!!! :)
