Sunday, April 26, 2009

33 and couldn't be happier!

Wow, so I'm officially 33 - mid-thirties, I guess! Okay I don't like the sound of that...I'm deciding I'm early-30s for another year!!!

Last night my fantastic friends and hubby threw me a Surprise Party - I seriously had NO idea!! It was fantastic - and I was so excited when I took the blindfold off and saw tons of people coming out of my bestest's daughter's was like a little stream! Talk about gratitude! I guess it's been a long time since I sat down and thought "Yeah, we've made a life for ourselves in Cali"...I didn't think that I'd ever be able to meet a new group of girlfriends that are so wonderful and dear to me...but I have and even better they all have amazing little people that Sadie loves and wonderful partners that my hubby has befriended....wonderful.

I want to make some resolutions...yes I know it's not the new year...but it kind of is for me! So let's see...some things for me to see and do in 33 - ps List is subject to change!

1-To-do List every day (whether it's 2 itmems or 22 - I'm getting SO forgetful in my old age and so disorganized and I hate it!)
2-Get preggers
3-Move out of our tiny 2 bedroom
4-Get my company "in the black"
5-Establish a skincare routine....if I don't take care of it, how can I expect it to take care of me
6-Fit in MY workouts each day - it's tough since I teach more days than not, but I really need to make sure I get my workouts in as well
7-Indulge in my love of stationary....and then put it to use, beautiful written letters and note cards versus emails!

Okay that's all for now and like I've said before...this blog is "All About Ally" so therefore, these resolutions are Ally-focused.

I love my life, my family and my friends...I truly am blessed! And now I must stop blogging to go and get a birthday cuddle from the bestest hugger in the world...the Little Miss!

Happy birthday me!


  1. Happy Birthday. I was 33 once. Enjoy it!

  2. Glad you had a fabulous b-day!

    If you're ready to get preggers again maybe don't read my blog for a little while. Don't want to scare you :)

  3. Yay Happy Birthday to you - so glad that you got some spoiling you deserve it.
    Love your list of to-dos being that I am turning 33 in just a couple more months I think I might have to steal a couple of those!

  4. Love the resolutions! I need to steel some of those too. I feel like is getting too busy... fun but busy. I loved seeing you today! I have missed you!!! I'm glad you had fun at your party, we love you!!!
