Monday, April 6, 2009

Words a Mother never likes to hear...

..."Babe, wake up, Little Miss is vomiting". These are the words I woke up to this morning and I swear they are the worst words a SAHM/WAHM can hear...immediately the following thoughts go through my head:

- I hope it's nothing serious
- Crap, how many loads of laundry will I do today?
- I wonder how long I have until I start vomiting!
- Please don't let Curt get it
- Please don't make it smell too bad ;)

Seriously...all of this goes through my head as I run from our room to the Little Miss' room...fortunately it was not a bug and just an upset tummy (Hubby accidentally used Cayenne Pepper instead of Paprika in our pasta last night!!!) or a result of a mini-coughing fit. We had the Little Miss' 18month Well Visit at the Pediatrician and I was able to get them to check her out at the same time and they did not find a fever or anything at all...she's been in great spirits and totally not lethargic!

Phew! We escaped it this time...but it's just a reminder to pop my wipes and sanitizers back into my diaper bag (I think I was getting cocky) and remember the importance of washing hands...especially after the park, before snacktime, etc!

It's such a gorgeous day out there...think we'll head out and enjoy the sun and warm temperatures and be grateful that I'm only doing one load of laundry today!!!


  1. glad she's ok. it is snowing

  2. Oh isn't that just the worst? I have the exact same dialogue in my head every time!!! Unfortunately for us last week the barf was followed by two more days of that, followed by a cold, followed by an ear infection followed by a cold for mom. BOOOOOO. So glad you all are doing well!!!


  3. Ally, so glad you found and commented on my blog! I have a basket filled with free makeup samples I'm giving away, you should enter!
