Miss S got the tummy flu on Friday night and it looks like hubby has it now! He and I are both cleansing like mad-woman/man now but I think it might be a little late for him - fortunately I have been yet to be hit by the bug, as I have spent most of the weekend in our apt complex's business center studying my butt off! Thank goodness, because that's 6 chapters that I covered this weekend that wouldn't have been done if I was ill in bed...so I'm very grateful for hubby watching Miss Sadie and getting sick in the process!
But...would it be so wrong?? I allowed myself to fantasize during one of my study-breaks! Since everyone is sick right now and I'm trying so hard to study like crazy, what if I were to check into a hotel...for one night only - would it be so wrong?!
I'd check in now - nowhere fancy! The new Hotel Sierra down the street would be fine. I'd settle in and start studying, all while sipping deliciously brewed-in-room coffee. Around 7pm or so, I'd order up room service (hey I wouldn't have to cleanse, I'd be down the street from the germs!), get into my cozy Lulu sweats and tshirt - turn up the heat to make it nice and warm, climb into bed and enjoy "dinner in bed" while watching a chick-flick movie on that I ordered. I'd climb out of bed after the movie, hop into the bathtub and enjoy a soak...and oh what a soak it would be - with bubble bath, a magazine, music playing, and just take my time until the water got cold! I'd get into my cozy pjs - not the pretty ones, not the sexy ones but the cozy ones and climb into bed, after giving myself an at-home facial, manicure and pedicure...while sipping a Chamomile Tea, I'd turn on the telly and watch a show or two, until I fell asleep in the comfy bed with the amazingly warm and heavy comforter. In the morning I'd wake up and study for a bit...hop into the shower, deep condition my hair, style it and call room service to bring up breakfast. While I dined on my eggs and fruit salad and sipped my coffee, I'd review my notes and flash cards...keep studying until check out and happily hop in my SUV and head home...
...oh how that would be lovely! Of course I'd miss my hubby and little girl...but I've been missing my "Me-time" for a long time now!!
Instead this is how our night will go...
It's almost 5pm now, I'll study until 5:30pm (quality studying I tell ya - a whole 30min!) then I'll prepare dinner for Sadie. I'll wake her up (she's napping like crazy trying to catch up on the sleep she missed on Friday night) and wake up hubby from his sick-room (aka our master bedroom!). We'll cleanse while Sadie eats...we'll play for a bit until bath-time, which I assume I'll do since hubs isn't well. Get Sadie ready for bed and into the crib by 7:30pm. I'll then race to the business center and study until 9pm...run home, grab my cookbooks and shopping list and calendar and do our meal-plan in front of Desperate Housewives until Sadie will wake up around 9:30 crying. I'll go in and rock her until about 10:15pm, then crash on the couch or in bed (depending on the "sick-ick" factor going on in our master). I'll hopefully not wake up (do you hear that wish, Sadie?!?) until around 6am and start studying, with a nice cup of coffee and then Sadie will wake around 8:00am and we'll begin our day - diaper changes, meal preps and eats, playing and playdates, etc...
Yes I don't get a lot of studying in, I don't get a lot of "me-time" in...but I get a lot of cuddles, a lot of smiles, a lot of "Mummas" and I wouldn't change that for the world!
...but really guys and girls, would it be so wrong?!