Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Feeling Broken!

Okay so I don't have a lot to say right now...evident by the lack of posts!

Work is very busy - teaching a lot and my body is hurting!!!! But in a good way :) Heading out to Sarasota FL (the other side of the country!!!) in October for a conference and it will be the first time that I leave the Little Miss for more than 5 hours...I know terrible...but I've just had no "good reason" to leave her before this. So I will be gone for four lonely nights...and as much as I'm terrified and sad at the idea of being so far away from her, I'm also slightly excited! A 6 hour plane ride with no lapchild?!?! I can actually drink a coffee and get up and pee?!?! Watch a movie, read a book? Perhaps a couple of trashy magazines?! WOW!

Yesterday was the anniversary of my due date! September 15, 2007...and no sign of the little one. So I was induced and we "evicted" her on September 19, 2007 - still to this day, the best day of my life. My birth story is amazing, empowering and although I hated being pregnant, minutes after I delivered the Little Miss I couldn't wait to do it again! So that's right, the big 2 is coming up this Saturday! A party will be had at the park on Saturday that she will share with two other little friends and a whopping 60 guests (adults and children) will be in attendance - controlled chaos is the theme ;) At least that's what me and the other two Mums are hoping for!!!

And yet with all of this amazingness going on around me...I'm in a funk. A funk that I'm seriously having a lot of trouble pulling myself out of. I realize I'm in it, I pretty much know what I need to do (and a lot of that is just an attitude adjustment) and yet I still find myself, well funky! I think the reason I'm having trouble pulling myself out is that I don't know why I'm in a is good, so good! And I laugh a lot...I sleep enough...I'm as social as I can possibly be...Hubby and I are good - like really good...hmmm...see what I mean about the need for an attitude adjustment??

Or maybe a day at the spa?!?!



  1. Maybe you're just in a post-Ottawa-trip funk? Like, maybe you're just missing people/times from your month "home" in Ottawa, and so you're in withdrawal a little bit? And that's totally understandable, and as soon as that passes you should be looking well forward to your trip to FL for BBC and then on to the holidaze!! xoxo

  2. hang in there! and don't sweat it, the first time I left Nate was when he was 2 and only because I was giving birth to Mags!

    btw - little miss would be getting a b-day gift but someone (yes that would be you) still has not sent me their new address!

  3. I am right there with you in the funk club...I have a feeling a little time away is all you need! Enjoy!!!


  4. Ally i think you are just going to love your time away. I had to go to a conference about a year ago sans Ollie and DD and as much as I missed Ollie it couldn't have happened at a better time. I know the funky feeling too, Im there all though I know its all set to change in many ways, in others I feel like Im going to lose just a little more of myself, its a hard thing to struggle with and while life will be better in many ways Im concious that I can't forget me.
