Friday, December 12, 2008

So tired...all the time!!!!

I don't get it! I've been going to bed fairly early all week - getting a minimum of 9 hours of sleep every night with the exception of Wednesday night - I didn't get a whole lot (my coughing kept me up)...and yet I'm so exhausted! I can't figure it out!

I'm going to play around with my Isagenix and see if I can get the needed energy naturally...I'm also going to hydrate more - could that be the cause of being so tired?! And if all else fails...I'm going to Starbucks for a Venti Caffeine beverage!! heh heh (kidding - I know that won't help anything)

I find life so much more difficult when I'm tired though...I totally don't have the patience for Sadie's whining - even a bit...the dog steals a toy and I feel like it's the end of the world...hubby says "boo" and I freak out on him.

I need to be more rested to be a better Mummy, wifey and Ally!! But what is the secret??

1 comment:

  1. omg I am right there with you (remember my "fake" pregnancy symptoms?) for me the venti coffee gets me through the day so don't mock it :)

