Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm loving her! (Book Review)

Anita Shreve that is! Seriously loving her. I bought A Wedding in December when I was getting married (in December of course!!) and couldn't get into it. When a friend suggested I try Body Surfing, I wasn't sure....I really disliked what I had read of A Wedding in December - I'm so glad AlliWilli is my friend and recommended Body Surfing because I LOVED it! Capital letters LOVED it! heh heh

But this review is about another one of her books - Testimony. I found this book a little slow to get into (warning the first chapter is graphic...very graphic - but it's just the first chapter, please don't let it make you put the book down) but wow...oh wow...oh wow...I loved this book and I think I loved it the most after reading the last chapter and this line from Rob: - crow, I already gave the book to my sister to read (yes that's how much I enjoyed it!) - I'll have to ask her to email it to's a quote I believe I will keep in mind over and over again.

Sorry for the suspense - but basically the book is how an action on one person's behalf can cause a chain of events causing huge, possibly devastating circumstances for uncountable people...this is not a fact I would say it's tragic, emotional, fragile - these are words that come to mind.

The characters were set up so well...each chapter is written from the point of view of someone involved and I can tell you what they each look like, what they wear and how they speak...and yet the book did not drag with tons and tons of details (pet peeve!!!).

I read once that a bloggy friend felt that she went into almost a depression when she finished a book. I totally felt this after reading this book. I put it down and said to my Mum...these characters have been a part of my life for the last 6 days or can I just pick up another book and forget about them?

Yes this book was great - Anita Shreve...I can't wait to read another book of yours! I'm thinking Pilot's Wife!

4.5/5 for Testimony by Anita Shreve


Monday, August 17, 2009

A Moment - Inside a WAHM's head...

A moment: I am a typical Work-at-Home Mum...only doing work or personal things while the little one is sleeping...all chores, etc (with the exception of making food) is done while Little Miss is napping and while she's awake I'm hers all day, every day (with the exception of when I'm teaching class)....I think that it's done out of guilt because I force her to sit in a stroller while I'm teaching or because during her naptime I'm doing work-stuff versus planning fun activities or events for her. However, I found myself wondering this morning - Does Little Miss know how to independently play?? And is it so bad if she sees me doing a few of my own things while she's awake?! I'm not sure what the answer to that is...yet. But what I did try this morning, after a nice long breakfast together, I grabbed a magazine and went and sat on the floor in the den and sure enough Little Miss went and grabbed a book and came and sat with me....well, I thought to msyelf, she's not asking me to read it which I guess is her being independent but she's still mimicking me...Hmm...I really am her everything!

And then it all changed! I suddenly found myself alone in the den reading an old copy of Self Magazine and the Little Miss was nowhere in sight. I raced into the kitchen and found her sitting on the floor, re-arranging the shelf that my Mum has reserved for her (her snacks, bibs, plastic bowls and plates, spoons, sippy cups, etc)...completely happy - completely independent!

Now don't get me wrong - I'm still an obsessed Work-at-Home-Mummy...but maybe one who will enjoy the occasional magazine article or chore done while (gasp!!!) the Little One is awake!!!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Things that Make You Go Hmm... (Book Review)

I just finished "Love the One You're With" last midnight! Yes it was one of those race to the finish, can't put down endings!

This book is about a woman who is happily married...or so she thinks until she runs into a former love from years before. It is the story of her emotional journey as she ponders something we all think about...LOVE. I enjoyed this book as much as I disliked it. However, the reason I think I disliked it was that it made me took me back to past boyfriends, reliving a bit of the feelings incured in these relationships.

As far as chick lit go, I would say that this was one of the "heaviest" that I have read. I kept thinking it will get lighter, she'll get pregnant, something frivolous will happen...but no. It stayed on topic for the entire book.

I found myself not wanting to read more for fear of the woman's next actions...but then also found myself wondering if 5pm is too early to put Little Miss down for her nap so I could get back into my book.

The fact that this chick lit evoked so much thought and emotion (whether I liked it or not), in my opinioin, means it is a good book...I will give it a 4/5...and really it only is docked a point by the excessive details (get to the point already!!!!) - something I hate about books! As well as the fact that I'm not running out to my girlfriends saying "you HAVE to read this book" - but maybe it's because I'm protecting them from a few nights of very strange feelings and dreams!

4/5 for Love the One You are With by Emily Giffin


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thank Goodness for Mums!

I'm still struggling with jetlag and coming down off of a crazy month of July! I find myself going to bed at 10:30 EST but still waking up at 6;30 PST (which is actually 9:30 EST)...I hate not having the mornings to myself...the Little Miss seems to be adjusting better a bit quicker than me and is up at 9:35! That gives me 5min to get myself sorted, wake up and get ready for our day! EEK!

Oh and did I mention there is no caffeine in this house?! KILL ME NOW! I'm down to one or two cups of caff coffee a day but I NEED them in the morning!

Anyhow, fast forward to Noon, I'm exhausted, de-caff, and have a clingy, needy almost-two-year old clung to my leg and I have no Daddy to pass her to, no playdate to attend, or little friends for her to play's almost a recipe for disaster...

...until my Mum walks in, takes one look at me - still in pjs, exhausted and losing patience and says "Why don't I take her for a walk"...I say "It's okay, I'll go for a stroll with her, you have tons to do" and she replies with "I have nothing that needs to get done right need to read your magazine and enjoy a cup of tea."

Thank goodness for Mums - Little Miss, I promise to do the same thing for you in 30 years.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hanging in Ottawa, eh?!

Well here we are...hanging out in the Nation's Capital...that is the Little Miss and I! Unfortunately hubby's visa extension never came in and so we find ourselves Daddy-less for 3 1/2 weeks! Yes almost a month. It will be killer on both of us, but oh can I tell you how excited I am to escape the "real world" for a while??

We flew in on Thursday and fortunately for both Little Miss and I, the flights were fairly uneventful. I tried everyone's suggestions - coloring books, DVD player and "shows" (as the Little Miss calls them), snacks, and really nothing pleased her but at least she wasn't crying or screaming. Instead I basically had the entire carry-on unpacked in our tiny space (Little Miss was a lap child)...I have no idea what we left behind - obviously nothing important (other than a little white sock, I think!)

Night 1, Little Miss went down around 1:30am after a midnight snack (literally) and she slept until I woke her at 10:30 am and I've been able to get her on routine! She's a bit cranky and clingy but otherwise all is good!

WAIT! Isn't this blog about Ally?!?! Oh right! Okay so I'm enjoying hanging out with my Mum, sister and aunt from UK (flew out for a few days just to meet Sadie - so fun), sleeping in as much as I can, reading books (will post lots of reviews I'm sure!) and enjoying many cups of decaf coffee and tea! YUM! Hung out with Poppa this morning and enjoyed riding around in a "borrowed" Jetta - what a great car...hmm, hubby, is it time for a new car, yet?

After breakfast out and a trip to Toys R Us, the Little Miss was DONE!

Okay this may be the most boring blog...but for my friends back in San Jose, it will serve as "checking in" and not writing a million emails ;)

Back to my book...stay tuned for a review...this one is flying :)
