Okay I was one of those gals who thought a Book Club was for geeks - yet I always had this little dream of starting my own book club. My dearest friend Dana suggested to me one day (about 6 years - can you believe it Dane??) we should start our own...I almost kissed her on the spot! And so began our Book Club...we would read a book (most of the time finish it...well I'd try at least) and then spend the rest of the meeting gossiping and snacking...we added more and more girls to it and by the end I think we had about 8 members...it was a lot of fun. But then I moved away and had to leave my Book Club behind...DK got preggers then the rest of the girls did the same pretty much...one went away to DC to school...the Club fell apart.
When I came to San Jose, I knew that I had to find a Book Club that was females only and that met on a weekday. Fortunately I stumbled upon one on Meetup.com that started in March 2008 and I joined in April 2008. My first meeting the author of the book we had just finished actually attended! JVK, the organizer, has done SUCH a great job with the club...when books have become movies, she's organized Movie Afternoons...and the best thing - we meet on a Friday during the day at a coffee house and the women that attend are of all ages, all walks of life...I love it! We may not gossip like my club back in Ottawa, but we are good companions and I realized today sitting at the meeting, I really enjoy having these women in my life.
Well this month we read Knit Two by Kate Jacobs (the sequel to Friday Night Knitting Club - which incidentally is becoming a movie with Julia Roberts playing Georgia - FUN). At the meeting today, JVK announces that the author is calling into our Book Club meeting...the big author...our little club?!?! How frickin' cool! So sure enough Kate Jacobs, called in around Noon and we got to ask her questions about the books she's written, ask when she's coming to Northern Cali for us to come to one of her book signings etc...she lets us know that she is sending each of a little label to stick in our book with her autograph and a personal note to us?!?!?
SERIOUSLY???? This is the coolest Book Club ever!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Lucy..or Lulu?

As some of you may know, we found a stray dog last Sunday evening after coming home from Tahoe. And this was no mangy animal...she is a beautiful dachshund puppy. She was running around the park at our apt complex for hours so I was told and after witnessing her almost get run over 4 times, I made it my mission to catch her and find her Mummy/Daddy. After about 20minutes I finally caught her and scooped her up - she was crying and trembling...she's so tiny! So I quickly raced over to the Starbucks to see if anyone reported their dog missing - nothing. We decided to take her in for the evening and then checking with the leasing offices in the morning, expecting to find a frantic message from the owners left on their voicemail.
We nicknamed her Lucy as we felt awful just calling her "dog" or "puppy". Lucy was starving and ate a ton and then crashed out next to our bed...the next morning, we walked over to the Leasing Office...nothing, no one had reported their dog missing. Okay well it's only been a little over 12 hours...so I spend the day walking the little pooch around the community in case her Mummy was running around looking for her, posting photos, etc.
Let's fastforward shall we?? It's been a week - NOTHING. Where the F*** is Lucy's Mummy or Daddy? I've brought her to our vet, no microchip, I've filed reports with three cities around here, posted an ad on Craigslist at the beginning of the week....and nothing.
At the vet I find out she's about 7months old and we are just not ready for a puppy right now. All I have time to give her right now is Love...but unfortunately that's not enough - she needs training, obedience, etc...and with my new business launching and our lives the way they are, we are never home and just cannot give Lucy what she needs.
Everything happens for a reason...a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in months, called to have lunch on Thursday...I told her about Lucy and she sympathized with me...she's got a heart for doggies too. Anyhow, she calls me on Friday night to tell me that she's talked with her hubby...can they adopt Lucy?! CAN THEY?! Oh heck yes...Lucy gets a forever family and I still get to visit with her!
So they came and got her this morning...and my heart broke as Lucy, now called Lulu (full name LuluLamborghini - too cute!) walked out of the door. I just hate that she has to go through the trauma of new people, a new home, etc...I had really hoped to be able to get her back to her family.
Here's hoping those original owners don't call us now for Lulu...not that they deserve her at all...uh, where have you been for a week, while your pup cried at the door waiting for you?? Now, she is much better off with P and J.
I still miss her though (though not her peeing/pooping in the house!)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
How I've Missed this Blog!
It's been such a long time - my apologies! I kind of feel like I've fallen off of the radar in all areas - emails, blog, keeping the house tidy, organization, eating well, etc! Good golly, I have a ton of wagons to "jump back on".
So the business has launched and I seriously couldn't be more in love with what I do! Every morning I wake up wishing I was teaching that day (I only teach Wed/Fri right now). I know I'll regret saying this, as in a few weeks I will have classes almost every day (except weekends). But seriously, I am loving what I'm doing. I really hope it comes through in my classes...this is not just a job for me...it's a passion.
Having said that, a little extra money in the pocket is so fun! And feeling another sense of being - other than being the Little Miss' Mummy - is great too. I love it.
I've also started yoga. Yummy Mummy and The Missus rave about it in their blogs all the time that I started to look for a studio to start my own practice. And then I found Yoga at Cindy's (love it!!) and they offer a newbie special for $40 30 day unlimited. Sweet! I did a class on Thursday evening and it was great. I was very fatigued and ridiculously hungry after the class, but not too sore. I really want to commit to this and I think I will aim for 2-3 classes a week. So here's a question for all of you yogis out there...first off (it's hot yoga by the way) how do I stop myself from slipping and sliding in my own sweat (ick!!) - I felt like by the last 40min, I had such a hard time holding downward dog and any other position that required me to have my hands on the mat - I just kept slipping. Second question, is it okay to do back to back yoga sessions? I know I probably should space out my classes, but I really have to go with what my schedule will allow and in some cases it may be back to back evenings...is that okay? Or is it like strength training where you should be taking a day off in between.
Alrighty, that's enough rambling for now! I know I have a lot to catch up...I'll make up for it over the next week.
So the business has launched and I seriously couldn't be more in love with what I do! Every morning I wake up wishing I was teaching that day (I only teach Wed/Fri right now). I know I'll regret saying this, as in a few weeks I will have classes almost every day (except weekends). But seriously, I am loving what I'm doing. I really hope it comes through in my classes...this is not just a job for me...it's a passion.
Having said that, a little extra money in the pocket is so fun! And feeling another sense of being - other than being the Little Miss' Mummy - is great too. I love it.
I've also started yoga. Yummy Mummy and The Missus rave about it in their blogs all the time that I started to look for a studio to start my own practice. And then I found Yoga at Cindy's (love it!!) and they offer a newbie special for $40 30 day unlimited. Sweet! I did a class on Thursday evening and it was great. I was very fatigued and ridiculously hungry after the class, but not too sore. I really want to commit to this and I think I will aim for 2-3 classes a week. So here's a question for all of you yogis out there...first off (it's hot yoga by the way) how do I stop myself from slipping and sliding in my own sweat (ick!!) - I felt like by the last 40min, I had such a hard time holding downward dog and any other position that required me to have my hands on the mat - I just kept slipping. Second question, is it okay to do back to back yoga sessions? I know I probably should space out my classes, but I really have to go with what my schedule will allow and in some cases it may be back to back evenings...is that okay? Or is it like strength training where you should be taking a day off in between.
Alrighty, that's enough rambling for now! I know I have a lot to catch up...I'll make up for it over the next week.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Okay, I think it's officially the rainiest (word?!?) season we've had since moving to San Jose - this is insane! It's been raining on and off (like 1-2 days/week of no rain) for the last 2 months! Little Miss is totally getting cranky as many of the activities we do during the day are indoor playdates at someone's house, and she is ready to climb the walls...and so is Mummy!
But even more importantly (I can deal with the Little Miss' fussyness for the most part) is the fact that I launch my classes on Wednesday and right now? Rain. No one is going to come out with their little ones in the pouring rain...and I don't even think that's what I fear. I think what I fear is that people actually do come out and I have to do a modified workout in this small room at Sports Basement (that we use for mat work...not a WHOLE workout) and then NO ONE will sign up because the workout will be crap. Ohhhh I'm stressing. And that's stupid I know, since there is nothing I can do about the rain.
Today, I'm organizing my "swag bags" and getting them ready for Wed...maybe I'll through in a few extra somethings and bribe the Mummys....hmmm...a gift cert to a spa?!?! Kidding I really don't have that kind of money to spend!
Well fingers crossed, the rain holds off...it can be as grey as it wants...but please no showers...and Mummys that are signed up to come on Wed, be brave...a little sprinkle never hurt anyone...right?!
But even more importantly (I can deal with the Little Miss' fussyness for the most part) is the fact that I launch my classes on Wednesday and right now? Rain. No one is going to come out with their little ones in the pouring rain...and I don't even think that's what I fear. I think what I fear is that people actually do come out and I have to do a modified workout in this small room at Sports Basement (that we use for mat work...not a WHOLE workout) and then NO ONE will sign up because the workout will be crap. Ohhhh I'm stressing. And that's stupid I know, since there is nothing I can do about the rain.
Today, I'm organizing my "swag bags" and getting them ready for Wed...maybe I'll through in a few extra somethings and bribe the Mummys....hmmm...a gift cert to a spa?!?! Kidding I really don't have that kind of money to spend!
Well fingers crossed, the rain holds off...it can be as grey as it wants...but please no showers...and Mummys that are signed up to come on Wed, be brave...a little sprinkle never hurt anyone...right?!
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